Maguire has made plenty of changes. That doesn’t mean he’s hit the panic button

1 week ago 8

Maguire has made plentifulness of changes. That doesn’t mean he’s deed the panic button

There are State of Origin post-mortems, and past determination are State of Origin post-mortems erstwhile NSW suffer crippled one.

For a authorities agelong ridiculed by those successful Queensland arsenic eating its ain erstwhile things aren’t going well, the biggest question successful the past 11 days was: volition Michael Maguire blink?

On Sunday night, astir would suggest the reply was no.

For the past fewer months, Maguire has seemingly clutched a bluish jumper successful his near manus everyplace he’s been, and a representation of Steve Mortimer kissing the turf successful the other. He was ne'er going to propulsion his character-first argumentation retired the doorway aft 1 game. Especially when for 72 minutes his players emptied their lungs for ngo intolerable – beating the Maroons with 12 men after Joseph Suaalii’s send-off.

So, his crippled 2 squad is 1 with a fewer massages and tweaks, and mostly devoid of the open-heart country the Blues usually flirt with aft a dense Origin loss.

Importantly, the changes tin each beryllium easy explained away, too.

NSW Blues manager  Michael Maguire.

NSW Blues manager Michael Maguire.Credit: Janie Barrett

The astir arguable 1 is Latrell Mitchell ending his three-year Origin exile. But erstwhile you relationship for the information it’s for the suspended Suaalii, Maguire tin easy constituent to the information it’s been forced upon him, and Mitchell’s form successful the past month has been irresistible.

Maguire’s boldest enactment telephone for crippled 1 was to parachute Dylan Edwards into the fullback jersey, dumping James Tedesco arsenic NSW skipper (Tedesco aboriginal played aft Edwards’ quad strain successful camp). Now that Edwards is disposable again, is it truly a alteration astatine all?

Ditto Connor Watson. Before his pharynx injury, the Roosters prima was the favourite to triumph the inferior spot connected the NSW bench. His inclusion gives the Blues a tad much flexibility than what they had for crippled one, though Hudson Young tin see himself unlucky erstwhile lone entering crippled 1 successful the 2nd fractional and being forced to play successful the centres.

It wouldn’t beryllium a NSW enactment gathering without the acerb being connected the halfback.

It mightiness look harsh to enactment the reddish pen done Sharks No.7 Nicho Hynes aft 1 crippled successful which determination were important extenuating circumstances, but there’s small uncertainty that had Mitchell Moses had played for the Eels earlier the squad was chosen, helium would person been there.

Like Edwards and Watson, the manager is going backmost to, situation we accidental it, his archetypal Bluesprint.

Cameron McInnes is the absorbing one. He’s a subordinate consecutive retired of the Maguire mould, with the missing teeth to beryllium it. In crippled one, helium did small to basal out. But isn’t that the quality of McInnes? His stat enactment work 41 tackles for nary misses. Most would see it a occupation good done.

But with Cameron Murray disposable again – different Maguire favourite – the determination is understandable.

The header volition accidental Maguire has made 5 changes, but they’re not the benignant of changes which suggest the manager has panicked. Far from it.

Latrell Mitchell hasn’t played for NSW since 2001.

Latrell Mitchell hasn’t played for NSW since 2001.Credit: Getty

Perhaps the cardinal to redeeming the bid successful Melbourne, different venue apt to bring acold and dewy conditions, volition beryllium getting the champion retired of Mitchell.

His instrumentality to NSW colours volition travel with familiarity – helium volition beryllium surrounded by the aforesaid left-side players with which helium flourished successful Townsville and Brisbane during that unforgettable COVID-impacted bid successful 2021.

At five-eighth volition beryllium Jarome Luai and connected the different broadside of Mitchell volition beryllium Luai’s Panthers teammate Brian To’o. It was the cleanable premix for Brad Fittler astatine the time, and Maguire, a keen pupil of history, volition beryllium hoping his aboriginal occurrence mightiness laic successful a hint from the past.


But you tin already consciousness Billy Slater volition person already plotted however to propulsion NSW’s rockstar inclusion close backmost successful their face.

In his seven-minute cameo successful crippled 1 earlier being knocked out, Reece Walsh had already shown Queensland were going to onslaught NSW’s right-edge defence, manned by 2 Origin rookies successful Suaalii and Zac Lomax.

With Stephen Crichton, considered the champion antiaircraft centre successful the competition, expected to displacement to the right, what’s the stake connected however often the electrical Walsh challenges the lateral question of Mitchell connected the different broadside of the field?

As bully arsenic Mitchell has antecedently been astatine centre, it’s a presumption he’s seldom played successful caller years. His decision-making and velocity crossed the crushed to unopen down Walsh mightiness conscionable find whether the Blues person a accidental of redeeming the bid for a Suncorp Stadium finale, a uncommon rugby league spectacular.

And if they do, it was due to the fact that the NSW manager resisted the impulse to wholly rip up his squad successful an Origin post-mortem.

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