Man charged with murder over Northern Beaches surfer’s death

1 week ago 7

Man charged with execution implicit Northern Beaches surfer’s death

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A antheral has been charged with the execution of well-known Northern Beaches surfer, Guy Haymes.

Haymes, 59, known to his friends arsenic “Creature”, died successful infirmary connected March 15 aft helium was allegedly assaulted successful a Pittwater Road portion 2 weeks earlier.

Haymes was “fun-loving and sociable”, his member  said.

Haymes was “fun-loving and sociable”, his member said.Credit: Facebook

A 41-year-old antheral was arrested successful Greenacre connected Saturday nighttime and charged with murder, 2 counts of taking oregon detaining a idiosyncratic with intent to get an vantage and 2 counts of taking oregon detaining a idiosyncratic occasioning existent bodily harm.

He was refused bail and volition look successful Parramatta Local Court connected Sunday.

Haymes was well-known successful surfing communities from Wollongong, wherever helium competed successful the Rip Curl shield successful the 1980s, to Avalon, wherever helium started competitory surfing.

Police person been piecing unneurotic what happened to Haymes since they were called to his friend’s portion connected Pittwater Road connected February 27, aft respective witnesses extracurricular the level raised the alarm.

He was alive, with superior caput injuries, erstwhile exigency services arrived astatine the building. His brother, Mark Haymes, visited him successful infirmary during his last weeks, but though helium was capable to unfastened his eyes helium ne'er spoke again earlier helium died.

Mark Haymes appealed for accusation  astir  his brother’s decease  earlier this week.

Mark Haymes appealed for accusation astir his brother’s decease earlier this week.Credit: Nick Moir

Police suspected his attacker was known to him.

Calling connected the attacker to travel guardant earlier this week, Mark Haymes described his member arsenic “a kind-hearted psyche who wouldn’t wounded anyone”.

“He loved to person a bully time,” Mark Haymes said. “He had a large consciousness of humour, was ever looking astatine the amusive broadside of life. Just a bully person.”

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