Constable fires gun at moving car in Sydney’s inner west

5 days ago 7

A constabulary serviceman drew his weapon and fired connected a car successful Sydney’s interior westbound overnight aft the operator of the conveyance deliberately drove towards him, constabulary say.

The incidental took spot successful an underground car parkland of an flat analyzable connected the Princes Highway astatine St Peters, wherever constabulary were responding to reports of a interruption and enter.

They said 3 officers attended the flat artifact astir 1.15am and entered the underground car park, wherever they confronted 2 males.

When the brace got into a achromatic Volkswagen Golf and began to thrust off, constabulary tried to halt them, and the car was driven straight astatine a constable, constabulary said.

The serviceman drew his limb and fired a azygous changeable astatine the conveyance but it did not halt and the 2 males fled the scene.

Police could not corroborate if the slug had struck the car but said determination were nary reports of injuries.

The car was recovered alight successful an underground car parkland connected Harris Street successful Pyrmont astir 45 minutes later, constabulary said. Fire and Rescue NSW extinguished the blaze.

Police person established transgression scenes astatine some locations successful St Peters and Pyrmont, and commenced an probe into the incident.

The car is undergoing forensic examination.

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