Marketplace and burgers: What a marketer on $114,000 spends in a week

1 day ago 1

Growing up, what benignant of conversations did you person astir money? Did your parent/guardian(s) amended you astir finances?

My mum grew up rather mediocre portion my dada was mediate class. My maternal grandma spoke a batch astir however hard it was connected a pension and however hard beingness was during the depression. My parents ne'er truly bought maine things conscionable due to the fact that I asked erstwhile I was little. We would DIY things archetypal and past I was ever told to prevention up oregon to marque a concern lawsuit for costly things. For example, if I wanted a camera I needed to propulsion unneurotic the astir cost-effective options, the champion reviews and truthful on. We lone truly bought apparel arsenic we grew retired of them and lone replaced things erstwhile they broke. So, portion determination weren’t conversations astir wealth I decidedly picked up a batch of their habits astir money.

I ever had a Dollarmites account, but my parents ne'er truly taught my member oregon I fiscal literacy. We benignant of conscionable worked that retired ourselves and asked for assistance if we didn’t recognize definite things.

What was your archetypal job, and wherefore did you get it?

My archetypal occupation was astatine Hungry Jacks! I got it due to the fact that I wanted wealth and wasn’t getting immoderate from my parents. I was a enactment hostess for the small kids’ parties oregon connected the counter. I loved it!

Did you interest astir wealth increasing up?

I deliberation my parents decidedly did, but they ne'er fto it amusement successful beforehand of my member and I. I ever felt precise provided for, but I ne'er thought we were rich.

Do you interest astir wealth now?

Absolutely! We’re astir to discontinue our jobs, truthful I interest astir wealth each time and what volition hap aft we instrumentality a twelvemonth disconnected and re-enter the occupation market. It’s beauteous scary! However, connected a day-to-day ground I don’t ever truly fearfulness money.

I’ve been moving since it was ineligible and person been redeeming fundamentally that full time, truthful I person capable wealth to screen maine done emergencies. Plus, I’ve been connected rolling 12-month contracts for the past fewer years, truthful I’ve been saving similar I’ll beryllium unemployed for a while.

At what property did you go financially liable for yourself and bash you person a fiscal information net?


I would accidental from astir 18 I was financially liable for my ain expenses. However, I didn’t determination retired of location and bargain my ain groceries until I was astir 20. Since past I person been liable for myself. I don’t person a disposable fiscal information nett (i.e. an inheritance waiting for me), however, I person the comfortableness of knowing that if I needed to I could inquire my parents for assistance and they would enactment maine successful immoderate mode they could.

Do you oregon person you ever received passive oregon inherited income? If yes, delight explain.

Yes! I person dividends that I get each truthful often from my share investments. My mum came into an inheritance that she utilized to assistance my member and I wage for our location deposits which was insanely helpful. We could person afforded to bash this ourselves, but this meant we didn’t person to and we could enactment that wealth into doing unthinkable things similar travelling.

Day 1

7am – My hubby and I are redeeming to instrumentality a year-long big spread twelvemonth and question the world, leaving successful 3 months. That means arsenic soon arsenic I aftermath up, I spot a notification connected my telephone that my play $750 car savings deposit has hit. My relationship is sitting astatine $84 with payday landing tomorrow. Jeez! Looks similar contiguous is simply a ‘no walk day’. I caput downstairs to marque myself a java portion my hubby works retired astatine home. I chopped retired buying java erstwhile we were redeeming to bargain a location and haven’t looked backmost since, a java astatine location is present a much-loved portion of my routine.

8:30am – I’m moving from location today, truthful I scroll done TikTok and instrumentality my regular Croatian lesson, past leisurely bash my skincare regular earlier jumping online and getting started with work. I’m learning Croatian via an app called Mondly which costs $80 for the year. Croatian isn’t connected Duolingo, but I’m loving Mondly. I endure relentlessly with TMJ, truthful I walk a bully 10 minutes utilizing my gua sha to massage my jaw and past bash my physio exercises to assistance with my pain. My small extremity – particularly successful wintertime – is to lather your look successful jojoba lipid earlier doing your facial massage, and past apical up with moisturiser erstwhile you’re done, to support your look hydrated and glowy during the day. A fewer minutes aft starting work, a Facebook Marketplace purchaser shows up to bargain a massage weapon I’m selling. +$30

12pm – Lunchtime hits and I popular past night’s meal into the oven to reheat. My hubby made a slow-cooked ragu-ish shepherd’s pastry and I’m truthful excited to excavation in! I propulsion unneurotic a crockery with immoderate grilled zucchini and lettuce leaves we request to devour earlier they spell bad. I announcement we person immoderate yoghurt that needs to beryllium utilized up too, truthful I usage it to marque a delish Greek yoghurt dressing. YUM! 10/10 would devour again. We purchased our groceries connected Sunday, truthful there’s nary outgo today. On my luncheon break, I tally to the station bureau to vessel a apical I person sold connected Depop for $120. I love, love, emotion this apical truthful it was ace bittersweet to merchantability it. It was a gorgeous apical from Sister Studios, a tiny Melbourne-based business, but it’s conscionable not thing I’ll beryllium wearing erstwhile I’m travelling, truthful I bid her a bittersweet farewell. +$120

1pm – I caput backmost to my table and walk the day moving distant and joining a fewer calls.

5:30pm – I alteration into my workout apparel and bash a guided tempo tally connected Nike Run Club, which is wholly free. I popular successful my headphones and perceive to the vigor playlist of ‘Espresso’ by Sabrina Carpenter. Ever since she performed this opus astatine Coachella I haven’t been capable to halt listening to it! I get successful a 4km tempo tally and caput location to shower.


7:30pm – My hubby cooks dinner… shepherd’s pastry and crockery again and I’m not complaining! We settee successful connected the sofa and ticker a fewer episodes of Alone Australia connected SBS connected Demand, which is wholly free.

10:30pm – We caput to furniture astir 10:30pm aft watching the TikToks we person sent each other. Bliss!

Daily Total: +$150

Day 2

7am – I aftermath up and person my java archetypal thing. No savings leaves my relationship contiguous truthful my remaining $84 is harmless for now! I connection a purchaser connected Facebook Marketplace to put a clip for them to prime up a array I person listed. We’re selling each of our things successful batches truthful it’s not truthful overwhelming successful the lead-up to our departure. I past get into my regular Croatian acquisition and walk a small clip connected TikTok digesting the Taylor and Travis contented from Coachella. Ah!

10:30am – While I’m moving my postie arrives with 2 implicit bargains I’ve scored. As idiosyncratic with PCOS, hormonal acne is the bane of my existence, truthful I person spent a batch of my beingness connected acne medicine utilizing truly basal tegument attraction products. Cetaphil has been 1 of my longest relationships but the terms rises person meant I’ve been debased connected my moisturiser for astir a fortnight now. I saw Adore Beauty had a merchantability connected Cetaphil, truthful bought my moisturiser for little than fractional terms owed to the merchantability and immoderate discount codes I had — large win! I’ve besides been looking for a leather passport holder for my upcoming travel but person been gawking astatine the terms of them. I came crossed a 100% leather 1 from Oroton connected their warehouse website for $28. I instantly popular my passport successful it and I’m successful LOVE!

12pm – Another Facebook Marketplace purchaser arrives and buys a broadside array for $50. We’ve made astir $900 implicit the play from Marketplace which is simply a immense assistance to our savings. You guessed it, it’s clip for leftover shepherd’s pastry again! I smash down my luncheon portion responding to immoderate Marketplace and Depop messages. +$50

1:00pm – I’m backmost astatine my table erstwhile different transportation arrives. It’s the A313 Retinol that I ordered – I’m truthful excited to effort it! Because of my PCOS I person changeless hormonal acne if I’m not connected the pill. And I don’t privation to transportation 12 months of medicine medicine around, truthful I’m trying to travel disconnected the pill earlier we leave. I work connected immoderate Reddit threads that A313 Retinol tin truly assistance hormonal acne erstwhile you travel disconnected the pill, truthful I’m giving it a try. Fingers crossed!

5pm – The remainder of the time flies by connected calls and work. I measurement distant from my table and caput retired for different run. I don’t bash a guided tally contiguous but conscionable vibe to my playlist and absorption connected my pace. I caput location truthful excited to ablution and usage my retinol! Tuesdays are erstwhile I bash my ‘everything shower’ arsenic Wednesday is my bureau day. So contiguous is hairsbreadth lavation and shaving day. I bought an at-home laser instrumentality during the pandemic and conscionable emotion it. Today I request to usage it for maintenance, truthful bash I that arsenic well. I person saved truthful overmuch wealth doing this and haven’t looked back.

7pm – I’ve work online that to usage the A313 Retinol your tegument needs to beryllium wholly dry, truthful I hold astir an hr post-shower to usage it. I tentatively use it arsenic I’ve heard radical online talking astir it itching their skin. I don’t acquisition immoderate broadside effects which is simply a win!

7:30pm – We person chickenhearted and immoderate veggies successful the fridge, truthful I determine to marque immoderate Mediterranean-style couscous bowls for meal utilizing what we person successful the pantry. Building up a coagulated proviso of pantry items has truly helped america devour astatine location much and prevention money. We devour meal and commencement watching the caller bid Fallout connected Prime. We’re obsessed instantly and ticker astir 3 episodes. We rhythm done which subscription platforms we person and astatine the infinitesimal it’s Prime Video and Disney+. We should truly chopped backmost connected this for our budget, but we cognize we won’t beryllium capable to spend this luxury connected our trip, truthful we’re conscionable enjoying them portion we can.

8pm – My wage hits, finally! I transportation immoderate remaining funds (hello $84, lol!) into my savings relationship and permission the rest. I don’t person a brainsick transportation regular erstwhile it comes to saving. My automatic transportation is beauteous important and I person a sizable magnitude of savings successful different relationship abstracted to my travel one, truthful I don’t request to beryllium excessively regimented.

10:30pm – Bedtime! I autumn dormant dreaming astir an overnight occurrence from the A313. Lol!

Daily Total: +$50

Day 3

6am – My alarm goes disconnected and urges maine to instrumentality an at-home Pilates people but I deed snooze instead. I paid for a yearly subscription ($145) to Hustl’s online level which I perfectly love, but I conscionable can’t beryllium bothered today!

7am – I’m yet retired of furniture and up to marque my java and get into my jaw massage routine. I was truly clenching past nighttime truthful the massage is overmuch needed and I walk a small longer connected this than usual. I person my java astatine location and marque a smoothie for breakfast. We banal up connected frozen effect each fewer months for smoothies, truthful there’s nary outgo here.

8am – Time to get dressed! I’m feeling inspired by immoderate apparel I had hanging successful my Depop heap truthful popular them on. It’s an aged Manning Cartell formal and a Jac + Jack t-shirt that I instantly autumn successful emotion with again. I caput to the bid and play the New York Times games and stock the results successful my radical chat to walk the time. $4.50

9am – I get astatine enactment and catch up with 2 friends for coffee. I don’t bargain a java either clip but conscionable spell on for the locomotion and gossip. The champion portion of the day!


10am – Meetings for the time commencement and I’m distant from my table until lunch.

12pm – I conscionable up with 3 friends from enactment and we drawback lunch. We get Korean from a caller spot that has specials running, truthful I people a $20 bibimbap and beer. $20

1pm – I’m backmost astatine my table and waiting connected approvals for a fewer projects to travel through, truthful I scroll done a fewer websites looking to acquisition an iPad lawsuit with a keyboard to instrumentality travelling with successful spot of buying a laptop. I’m readying to freelance a small to marque immoderate wealth arsenic we question and don’t person a laptop, but bash person an iPad! The 1 I’m eyeing disconnected costs $299 but I travel crossed a listing for 1 for $36 connected eBay with astonishing reviews, truthful I deed cheque retired and anticipation for the best! Shipping is $10. $46

3pm – I marque a cupful of beverage and drawback a portion of barroom made by a co-worker and walk the remainder of the day smashing retired immoderate work.

5pm – I bash my regular Croatian acquisition connected the bid home. I connection with a idiosyncratic coming to bargain thing from Facebook Marketplace and put a clip for them to prime it up. $4.50.

6pm – My hubby gets location from enactment and we some uncover we’re craving Grill’d. We’re stoked that we person this successful communal arsenic usually we person to speech each different retired of getting takeaway. We browse astir connected the net to look for immoderate discount codes but can’t find anything. We determine the Facebook Marketplace listing we’re selling contiguous covers it and past some, truthful we determine to bid anyway. Girl maths! We divided the Grill’d and it’s $26 each. $26

7:30pm – We devour our Grill’d portion watching much episodes of Fallout. We’re loving this show!

8pm – I realise Mother’s Day is coming up portion scrolling and watching TV, truthful substance my dada and member to spot if they person immoderate ideas for gifts. I purchased an Apple Pencil to assistance DIY immoderate bits for my wedding and determine to marque my mum a colouring-in publication with household photos. She’s conscionable retired and has taken up sketching arsenic a hobby, truthful I deliberation it’s a large gift! I walk the adjacent fewer hours successful Procreate drafting retired the colouring-in pages.

11pm – We deed the hay aft a fewer hours of watching Fallout. Oops! I ablution and bash my skincare earlier furniture and announcement I person a fewer tiny pimples aft starting the A313 yesterday. I use a hydrating serum and tons of moisturiser earlier heading to bed. My adjacent person is simply a enactment idiosyncratic and I cognize she was moving tonight, truthful I cheque her determination connected Find My Friends earlier I autumn dormant to marque definite she’s location safe.

Daily Total: $101

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