How wealthy retirees cost taxpayers more than pensioners

2 days ago 2
By Julia Hartman

July 3, 2024 — 5.03am

To each the self-supporting retirees claiming they should not beryllium penalised for providing for their ain retirement, fto maine guarantee you, you are not.

Once the magnitude held successful superannuation reaches $1.7 million, assuming a 7 per cent return, the outgo to the nationalist purse of the net being tax-free exceeds the outgo of the afloat azygous property pension.

In galore  cases, taxpayers are contributing much  to enactment    the self-supporting retiree’s manner  than the pensioner’s.

In galore cases, taxpayers are contributing much to enactment the self-supporting retiree’s manner than the pensioner’s.Credit: Dominic Lorrimer

There are besides taxation benefits to putting wealth into superannuation implicit the years. The self-supporting retiree astir apt got a taxation deduction for the income they enactment into superannuation, and the net connected their investments up to status were lone taxed astatine 15 per cent.

This is dissimilar those who were not successful a presumption to instrumentality afloat vantage of the superannuation concessions during their moving lives. This whitethorn person been due to the fact that of wellness issues oregon due to the fact that their enactment was low-paid oregon unpaid. It whitethorn person been that employers backmost past did not marque superannuation contributions.

They whitethorn adjacent beryllium from the epoch erstwhile it was considered for nine arsenic a full that women’s wages should beryllium debased capable to guarantee they remained babelike connected their husbands oregon fathers. If they were a nationalist servant, matrimony meant instant dismissal.

What is astir improbable is that pensioners person deliberately enactment themselves into poorness due to the fact that they wasted their money, a communal catchcry of affluent retirees.

There is nary country for this benignant of inequity successful an system wherever the fastest increasing stateless demographic is pistillate property pensioners.

A azygous self-supporting retiree tin person $1.9 cardinal successful superannuation and not wage a cent successful taxation connected the income earned. If the income is from franked dividends, they besides person franking credits. With the franking credits, it would beryllium tenable to expect a instrumentality of 7 per cent oregon better, astatine slightest $133,000.

Tax and Medicare connected $133,000 are $33,348. The azygous property pension is $29,028. Since Australia’s taxation gross is reduced by $33,348 each year, it would beryllium cheaper to wage them the afloat property pension than supply the superannuation taxation concessions.

On the little extremity of the scale, a self-supporting retiree with superannuation net of $47,170 ($673,850 x 7 per cent) volition conscionable miss retired connected the pension. Tax connected $47,170 is $4886, truthful they are helping the nationalist purse, but astir apt not arsenic overmuch arsenic the taxation they saved connected their superannuation contributions.


The inequity begins erstwhile $1.7 cardinal is held successful tax-free superannuation. Yet, immoderate of these affluent retirees are complaining astir the other taxation erstwhile their balances transcend $3 million.

If the self-supporting retiree has much than $1.9 cardinal successful superannuation, the net connected the excess volition lone beryllium taxed astatine 15 per cent. If they don’t similar this, erstwhile they are implicit 60, they tin region immoderate magnitude from the superannuation situation tax-free.

As each the income received from a superannuation money by a retiree is tax-free and not adjacent included successful the self-supporting retiree’s taxation return, they suffice for the archetypal $18,200 of income extracurricular of superannuation to beryllium tax-free, too.

Once they scope pension age, acknowledgment to the Senior Australian Tax Offset (SATO), they tin really person income extracurricular of superannuation of $36,500 and inactive wage nary tax. With the close strategy, the net connected much than $2.4 cardinal tin beryllium escaped of tax.

What representation comes to caput erstwhile you deliberation of a self-supporting retiree? Cruises, play clubs, centrifugal homes, restaurants? What benignant of manner bash you deliberation a pensioner has?

In galore cases, taxpayers are contributing much to enactment the self-supporting retiree’s manner than the pensioner’s. There is nary country for this benignant of inequity successful an system wherever the fastest-growing stateless demographic is pistillate property pensioners.

Julia Hartman founded BAN TACS Accountants much than 30 years agone and is inactive passionate astir each things tax.

  • Advice fixed successful this nonfiction is wide successful quality and is not intended to power readers’ decisions astir investing oregon fiscal products. They should ever question their ain nonrecreational proposal that takes into relationship their ain idiosyncratic circumstances earlier making immoderate fiscal decisions.

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