Michael J Fox joins Coldplay, and other things you missed from Glastonbury

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Glastonbury, the UK’s largest euphony festival, has officially wrapped up aft 5 days of non-stop music, personage sightings and the wide revelry of 200,000 radical partying astatine 1 of the world’s biggest unrecorded events.

As revellers packed up their tents and cradled their hangovers, the festival’s champion moments made rounds connected the internet. There was SZA riding a elephantine ant, Shania Twain starring a monolithic enactment creation and Gollum (aka Andy Serkis) playing the saxophone. But, judge it oregon not, this was conscionable the commencement of the antics.

Glastonbury has delivered different  5  days of stunning sets, astonishment  appearances and wide   merriment.

Glastonbury has delivered different 5 days of stunning sets, astonishment appearances and wide merriment.Credit: Getty Images

Dua Lipa’s alleged miming act

Her acceptable was filled with fireworks, 5 outfits changes and leather-clad backup dancers, but the happening that got everyone talking was whether Dua Lipa was really singing.

Rumours of the pop prima lip-synching swirled pursuing her performance, to which Lipa simply responded: “I don’t mime.” An anonymous root besides told The Sun that immoderate misalignment was allegedly owed to a dependable hold successful the BBC’s broadcast.

Rumours aside, Dua Lipa helped marque past by being 1 of 2 pistillate headliners astatine Glastonbury – a archetypal successful the festival’s 50-plus-year history. She, alongside SZA and Coldplay, were chosen to pb the festivities.

Dua Lipa was accused of lip-synching during parts of her Glastonbury set, but the vocalist  shrugged disconnected  the rumours.

Dua Lipa was accused of lip-synching during parts of her Glastonbury set, but the vocalist shrugged disconnected the rumours.Credit: Getty Images

Coldplay goes backmost to the future

Coldplay stunned festival-goers by bringing Michael J. Fox onto the signifier to play the electrical guitar during Fix You.

The stone set credited Fox, who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s illness successful 1991, for being the crushed the set formed. “The main crushed wherefore we’re successful a set is due to the fact that of watching Back to the Future,” frontman Chris Martin told the crowd. “So, convey you to our leader forever, and 1 of the astir astonishing radical connected Earth.”

Coldplay has present headlined Glastonbury 5 times – a festival grounds (The Cure held the rubric earlier this year).

Banksy crashes Glasto

While British stone set Idles played the opus Danny Nedelko, an inflatable raft abruptly appeared successful the crowd. Many initially assumed it was portion of the acceptable nevertheless it was aboriginal revealed arsenic a astonishment protestation from renowned thoroughfare creator Banksy.

The vessel contained dummy migrants successful beingness jackets, and was released arsenic the set sang the lyrics “my humor member is an migrant / a beauteous immigrant”.

Idles was not alert of Banksy’s plans up of their Friday set. According to The Guardian, the stunt was a notation to the migrant boats crossing the British Channel, which person been a “high-profile people of Rishi Sunak’s migration policy”.

Banksy launched an inflatable migrant vessel  into the assemblage  during Idles’ set.

Banksy launched an inflatable migrant vessel into the assemblage during Idles’ set.Credit: Associated Press

Cyndi Lauper has dependable issues

Cyndi Lauper conscionable wanted to person fun, but Glastonbury’s dependable strategy had different plans. The 71-year-old struggled with transportation and timing during songs similar Rocking Chair and Time After Time, with her dependable occasionally drowned retired by reverberating bass.

At times, Lauper appeared to reason with members of the accumulation squad astatine the broadside of the stage. However, the assemblage kept her spirits high, singing on arsenic she strutted astir successful a pulverization bluish overgarment and adjacent busted retired a recorder solo.

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