Lisa Millar announces exit from ABC Breakfast

2 days ago 2

Lisa Millar has announced she volition permission ABC News Breakfast aft 5 years arsenic co-host.

“After 5 years of sharing this sofa with awesome radical and radical down the scenes arsenic well, it is clip to accidental farewell,” Millar told viewers connected Wednesday morning. “I’m going to beryllium moving full-time implicit to the contented part of the ABC, wherever I’m going to beryllium having much adventures with Back Roads and Muster Dogs. Muster Dogs keeps getting bigger and bigger. So overmuch to do, and breathtaking caller projects. That means it’s goodbye. You’ve got maine for a small portion longer, though.”

Millar, 55, besides took to Instagram to stock the news: “It’s a pugnacious decision, but I’m excited astir what the aboriginal holds,” she said.

She went connected to convey the viewers for their passionateness and loyalty. “I’m going to miss the information that you person invited maine into your homes each morning, and you’ve shared your stories with us.”

Before permanently joining the broadcaster’s meal amusement successful 2019, Millar spent a decennary posting arsenic a bureau main successful London and Washington DC. She won a Walkley grant for her investigative journalism successful 2005.

Her last quality connected News Breakfast volition beryllium connected August 23.

More to come.

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