Modi 3.0: Shah, Rajnath, Nirmala & Jaishankar - What's the road ahead for 4 top BJP ministers who retained portfolios?

1 week ago 23

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has chosen to enactment with the incumbents for the apical 4 ministers successful his caller cabinet that took oath of bureau connected June 9. The Home affairs remains with Amit Shah, Defence with Rajnath Singh, Finance with Nirmala Sitharaman and External Affairs with S Jaishankar successful Modi 3.0 authorities arsenic per the portfolios allocated connected Monday.

These 4 furniture ministers, on with the Prime Minister, are portion of Cabinet Committee connected Security (CCS) of the Union authorities that is the last decision-making assemblage connected elder appointments successful the nationalist information apparatus, defence argumentation and expenditure, and usually each matters of nationalist security. The National Security Adviser, the Cabinet Secretary and the Defence Secretary person besides been attendees of the CCS meetings.

Here is simply a little connected what is the roadworthy up for these apical 4 ministers successful the Modi 3.0 :

1- Rajnath Singh: Minister of Defence

This volition beryllium Rajnath Singh’s 2nd word arsenic Defence Minister of India. For Singh, the Member of Parliament from Lucknow, the apical priorities successful the caller word would apt see a reappraisal of the Agnipath scheme for the recruitment into the Armed Forces. Opposition, and allies specified arsenic the Janata Dal (United) person demanded a reappraisal of this scheme. In fact, Singh had successful his past word said that the authorities was unfastened to amendments successful the scheme.

Increasing self-reliance successful defence manufacturing and strengthening of country’s borderline infra on the LOC and LAC successful the backdrop of standoffs with China successful Eastern Ladakh, is besides among the priorities for the Defence Minister, according to a study successful the Indian Express

2-Amit Shah: Minister of Home Affairs. Cooperation

Soon aft the Home Ministry was allocated to Amit Shah for the 2nd consecutive time, the Gandhinagar Member of Parliament (MP) took to X and said that the authorities would ‘continue to accelerate and fortify security.’

For Shah, the apical precedence is the implementation of the 3 transgression laws — Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita, and Bharatiya Sakshya Act. The laws are scheduled to beryllium implemented from July 1.

Gratitude to PM Shri @narendramodi Ji for reposing spot and reassigning maine the roles of Minister of Home Affairs and Minister of Cooperation.

In Modi 3.0, the MHA volition proceed to accelerate and fortify information initiatives and present caller approaches to recognize PM Modi's…

— Amit Shah (Modi Ka Parivar) (@AmitShah) June 10, 2024

Among different tasks, Shah’s ministry has to instrumentality decisions connected the National Population Register (NPR), Census, restoration of statehood for Jammu and Kashmir. Assembly elections are owed successful the erstwhile authorities J&K aboriginal this year. This volition beryllium archetypal authorities canvass successful Jammu and Kashmir aft the abrogation of Article 370 successful 2019.

Resolving the taste struggle successful Manipur besides is besides among challenges for the Home Ministry.

3- Nirmala Sitharaman: Minister of Finance

Sitharaman takes complaint of the Finance Ministry amid planetary and economical challenges.

The archetypal afloat fund of Modi 3.0 for the 2024-25 fiscal twelvemonth is expected to beryllium presented successful the Parliament successful archetypal fortnight of July. This time, the fund outline is expected to beryllium different, arsenic the PM Modi authorities has to see allies, too, dissimilar earlier governments wherever the BJP has won an outright majority.

Sitharaman has a task chopped retired to bash the balancing enactment of fiscal consolidation amid payment measures, according to a study successful Indian Express.

4-S Jaishankar: Minister of External Affairs

Jaishankar, a vocation diplomat for much than 3 decades, gets different word arsenic country’s External Affairs Minister.

Among the archetypal tasks for the Foreign Minister would beryllium that India needs to instrumentality a telephone connected whether oregon not to be the Swiss-hosted league of bid connected June 15-16 for the Russia-Ukraine war. Ukraine initiated the league and Russia is not participating successful it. Speculations accidental that India mightiness arsenic good determine not to be the league astatine the level of the Prime Minister. But what remains to beryllium seen is whether it volition beryllium astatine the level of the Indian ambassador oregon a Secretary-rank authoritative from the Ministry of External Affairs, according to a study successful Indian Express.

Then the G7 acme is scheduled to beryllium held successful Italy connected June 13-15. Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has invited Prime Minister Modi for the summit. PM Modi is expected to be the summit. Foreign Minister Jaishankar whitethorn besides question to Italy for the summit.

Jaishankar besides needs to grip the Pakistan’s outreach successful the past fewer months, particularly aft the Nawaz Sharif-led PMLN enactment has travel to powerfulness successful March this year, with Shehbaz Sharif arsenic the Prime Minister

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HomeElectionsModi 3.0: Shah, Rajnath, Nirmala & Jaishankar - What’s the roadworthy up for 4 apical BJP ministers who retained portfolios?

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