Why Maharashtra, Haryana assembly polls matter for BJP, Congress? Explained in 5 points

2 weeks ago 12

After the six-week agelong Lok Sabha Elections 2024, it's clip for governmental parties to cogwheel up for assembly polls successful 5 states scheduled implicit adjacent 2 years. These 5 states see Haryana, Maharashtra, Jharkhand, Delhi and Bihar. 

Assembly elections successful the national territory of Jammu and Kashmir is besides scheduled to beryllium held aboriginal this year.

First Real Test

The astir keenly watched assembly polls would, however, beryllium Haryana and Maharashtra scheduled to beryllium held astir October 2024 –  about 4 four months from now. 

The elections would beryllium archetypal existent trial for the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) and INDIA bloc aft the Lok Sabha polls.

Why bash these states matter? Primarily due to the fact that of 2 reasons. One, the Bharatiya Janata Party-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) is presently successful powerfulness successful some these states. Two, the NDA's show successful some these states was beneath expectations successful the recently-concluded Lok Sabha Elections 2024, the effect of which was announced connected June 4.

INDIA> NDA successful LS Polls

In Haryana, the BJP, which had won each 10 seats successful 2019, finished with conscionable 5 seats successful 2024 elections. The Congress enactment bagged 5 of 10 seats from Haryana successful 2024 wide elections. 

Likewise successful Maharashtra, the absorption Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) won 30 of the state’s 48 seats from the state. The ruling Mahayuti, a portion of the NDA, bagged conscionable 17 seats.

Lok Sabha Vs Assembly

In 2019, the NDA had won 43 of the 48 seats from Maharashtra portion the past UPA Had bagged the remaining 5 seats. 

Though voters chose otherwise successful the Lok Sabha and Assembly Elections, the result of the Lok Sabha elections volition person a bearing connected the upcoming authorities assembly elections successful these 2 states. 

Maharashtra assembly has 288 members portion Haryana has 90 members.

Congress resurgence successful Haryana

In Haryana, wherever the Congress is showing a resurgence successful its electoral fortunes, the BJP authorities led by Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini was successful a situation of sorts conscionable earlier the Lok Sabha polls when  3 Independent MLAs withdrew their enactment from the ruling BJP successful Haryana.

The BJP emerged arsenic the azygous largest enactment and formed the authorities successful a post-poll confederation with the Jannayak Janta Party (JJP) and 7 Independent MLAs successful Haryana successful 2019. 

BJP person Manohar Lal Khattar and JJP President Dushyant Chautala were sworn successful arsenic Chief Minister and Deputy Chief Minister respectively of BJP-JJP confederation government. Khattar has since resigned and is present a curate successful Modi 3.0. Chautala near the confederation conscionable earlier LS polls.

The Mahayuti crisis

In Maharashtra too, hours earlier the Modi 3.0 swearing-in the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) turned down the BJP's connection to accommodate enactment person Praful Patel arsenic a curate of authorities (MoS)with autarkic complaint successful the caller government. 

Patel, a subordinate of the Ajit Pawar faction of NCP said accepting an MoS presumption would beryllium a benignant of demotion for him since helium has been a furniture curate before. This is simply a wide motion that each is not good wrong Mahayuti bloc successful Maharashtra.

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HomeElectionsWhy Maharashtra, Haryana assembly polls substance for BJP, Congress? Explained successful 5 points

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