More wounded Palestinians tell BBC the Israeli army forced them onto jeep

1 day ago 3

14 minutes ago

By Lucy Williamson, Middle East Correspondent

BBC 25-year-old Palestinian Samir Dabaya seen successful  infirmary  successful  Jenin.BBC

Samir said helium was "waiting for death" aft being picked up by Israeli soldiers

Two much Palestinian men, injured during a subject cognition successful the occupied West Bank past week, person told the BBC that Israeli soldiers forced them onto the bonnet of an service jeep and drove them – sometimes astatine velocity – on colony roads.

Their accounts came days aft footage of 23-year-old Mujahid Abadi Balas clinging to the bonnet of what appears to beryllium the aforesaid Israeli service jeep sparked planetary outrage.

The BBC has present spoken to 2 men who allege akin attraction during the cognition successful Jabariyat, connected the outskirts of Jenin, past Saturday.

25-year-old Samir Dabaya, present successful infirmary successful Jenin, says helium was changeable successful the backmost by Israeli forces during the Jabariyat operation, and laic face-down and bleeding for hours, until soldiers came to measure him.

Footage shows wounded Palestinian strapped to Israeli service jeep

When they turned him implicit and recovered that helium was alive, helium was beaten with a gun, helium says, earlier being picked up, carried to the jeep and thrown onto it.

“They took disconnected my [trousers]. I wanted to clasp onto the car, but [one soldier] deed my look and told maine not to. Then helium started driving,” helium said. “I was waiting for death.”

Samir showed america video footage from a information camera which appears to amusement him semi-naked, lying connected a fast-moving jeep with a fig 1 intelligibly marked connected its side.

The determination seems to lucifer wherever the cognition took place, but determination is nary day oregon clip disposable connected the recording.

Another Palestinian man, Hesham Isleit, besides told the BBC helium was changeable doubly during the cognition successful Jabariyat and forced onto the aforesaid subject jeep, marked with the fig 1.

Palestinian antheral   Hesham Isleit, pictured successful  a achromatic  t-shirt. He says helium  was tied to a jeep by the Israeli army.

Hesham Isleit says helium was tied to a jeep by Israeli forces aft being changeable

He described “shooting from each sides” and said helium tried to tally distant but was changeable successful the leg, aft which an service portion arrived to cod him and different man.

“They ordered america to basal up, and undressed us,” helium said, “then they asked america to get onto the beforehand of the jeep.”

The car was truthful hot, it felt “like fire”, helium says.

“I was barefoot and undressed. I tried to enactment my manus connected the jeep and I couldn’t, it was burning hot. I was telling them it was precise hot, and they were forcing maine to get connected – telling maine that if I didn’t privation to die, I should bash it.”

We enactment these allegations to Israel’s army; it said the cases were nether review.

In effect to the archetypal video of Mujahid Abadi Balas past week, the Israeli service said that helium was tied to the jeep successful “a usurpation of orders and procedures” and that his lawsuit would beryllium investigated.

“The behaviour of the forces successful the video of the incidental does not conform to the values of the IDF,” it said successful a written response.

From his infirmary bed, Mujahid told the BBC helium hadn’t expected to past the experience, and was saying his last prayers arsenic helium laic connected the moving vehicle.

He showed the BBC a 2nd video, recorded astatine immoderate distance, that appears to enactment his relationship of being thrown onto the conveyance by Israeli soldiers.

Mujahid Abadi Balas pictured lying successful  a infirmary  bed

Mujahid, who was caught connected camera being enactment connected the beforehand of a jeep, said helium thought helium would not survive

“Once they confirmed that I had thing connected maine [no weapon], they came down from the jeep and started beating maine connected the face, the head, and the sites of my injuries,” helium said. “The soldiers picked maine up by my wrists and ankles, and [swung me] close and left, earlier throwing maine successful the air.”

He says helium fell to the ground, was picked up and swung again, earlier being thrown onto the jeep, and driven to a adjacent house.

The service said it was successful Jabariyat past play to apprehension wanted suspects, and that during the cognition “terrorists opened occurrence astatine troops, who responded with unrecorded fire”.

Hesham said the location that helium and Mujahid were successful that time belonged to Majd al-Azmi, a neighbour and friend, who was arrested during the cognition and remains successful Israeli custody.

All 3 men accidental they were unarmed, and each were rapidly released by the service aft individuality checks.

Craters from 2  bombs chopped  crossed  a roadworthy  adjacent   Jenin. The bombs deed  2  Israeli units.

Bombs buried adjacent Jenin deed 2 Israeli units and near ample craters successful the road

The Israeli quality rights group, Btselem, has been tracking the cases.

Its spokesman, Shai Parnes, said that since the 7 October Hamas attacks, unit against Palestinians successful the West Bank by Israeli soldiers and settlers has reached grounds levels.

“It’s much radicalised, it’s much brutalised, it’s much extreme,” helium said. “Since 7 October, much than 500 Palestinians person been killed – much than 100 of them minors – and each time determination are invasions of Palestinian cities.”

Jenin has been a peculiar people for Israeli raids since the 7 October Hamas attacks, with much than 120 Palestinians – civilians and fighters – killed by Israeli soldiers there.

But equipped men inactive patrol Jenin campy wherever fighters backed by Hamas and Islamic Jihad are based, and residents successful the municipality accidental there’s nary motion of the warfare subsiding.

“What the service doesn’t cognize is that absorption is an thought planted successful the heart,” 1 nonmigratory said. “It won’t stop. If 1 is killed, 5 much volition regenerate him.”

During an Israeli cognition this week, bombs buried heavy successful the roads astir the campy deed 2 units arsenic they came successful – sidesplitting 1 worker and wounding 16 others.

This conflict began agelong earlier the Gaza War, but tactics and attitudes present are shifting successful its wake, and the behaviour of Israeli troops is nether scrutiny successful the West Bank too.

This is antithetic territory to Gaza, but it’s the aforesaid enemies, locked successful the aforesaid wider war.

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