U.K. Nurse Lucy Letby Convicted of Attempted Murder in Retrial

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Ms. Letby, who was antecedently recovered blameworthy successful a drawstring of murders and attempted murders, was retried and recovered blameworthy of different attempted murder.

A surface  featuring Lucy Letby’s look   successful  the background, with journalists moving   successful  the foreground.
Journalists past twelvemonth adjacent Manchester Crown Court successful bluish England, wherever the caregiver Lucy Letby received a beingness word for her erstwhile convictions. Credit...Phil Noble/Reuters

Megan Specia

July 2, 2024, 11:01 a.m. ET

Lucy Letby, a neonatal caregiver who was convicted past twelvemonth of murdering 7 babies and attempting to termination six others astatine the English infirmary wherever she worked, was recovered blameworthy connected Tuesday of the attempted execution of different premature baby.

A assemblage had initially failed to scope a verdict successful the lawsuit of the child, known arsenic Baby K to support her identity, and Ms. Letby was retried implicit the past 4 weeks successful a tribunal successful Manchester successful the northbound of England. She volition beryllium sentenced connected Friday and is already serving a beingness word for the earlier convictions.

Ms. Letby, 34, was moving astatine the Countess of Chester Hospital successful the metropolis of Chester, successful northwestern England, betwixt June 2015 and June 2016 erstwhile an unexpectedly precocious fig of babies successful the neonatal portion wherever she worked died oregon became earnestly unwell.

Nicola Wyn Williams, a elder crown prosecutor, said that portion Ms. Letby had “continually denied that she tried to termination this babe oregon immoderate of the babies that she has been convicted of murdering oregon attempting to murder,” the assemblage had “formed its ain view.”

“The grief that the household of Baby K person felt is unimaginable,” she said. “Our thoughts stay with them and each those affected by this lawsuit astatine this time.”

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