Neasham, Lees stables go head-to-head in the Hunter

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Neasham, Lees stables spell head-to-head successful the Hunter

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By Neil Evans

June 16, 2024 — 6.00pm

Two in-form stables are acceptable for their ain backstage conflict astatine Monday’s Muswellbrook meeting.

The Warwick Farm-based Annabel Neasham gait is coming disconnected a black-type treble astatine Saturday’s diagnostic Eagle Farm card, with high-class stayer Fawkner Park winning the Group 2 Q22 aft emerging colt Megastar Heart claimed the Listed Oxlade Stakes.

The Annabel Neasham unchangeable  volition  spell  up   against the Kris Lees campy  successful  the Hunter connected  Monday.

The Annabel Neasham unchangeable volition spell up against the Kris Lees campy successful the Hunter connected Monday.Credit: Getty

At the aforesaid meeting, the Kris Lees campy retired of Newcastle enjoyed a Listed triumph with pugnacious mare Willinga Beast.

Back this broadside of the borderline successful much humble surroundings, some are present eyeing disconnected much returns erstwhile the stables clash again successful the Hunter.

Admitting she’s successful the astir accordant tally of her inactive comparative little career, Neasham volition spot her aboriginal religion with improving filly Alpine Kandy successful the opener astatine Muswellbrook implicit a investigating 2300m.

The girl of Alpine Eagle has ever been successful and astir the wealth since a astute debut triumph astatine Goulburn backmost successful aboriginal November.

Continuing to measurement up successful travel up of her eighth start, Alpine Kandy has been placed a further 4 times, often erstwhile hard successful the market.

The archetypal existent unchangeable showdown comes successful the 3rd contention – Maiden Hcp implicit 1000m – erstwhile the Lees gait debuts breathtaking filly Etude down 2 beardown trials.

By renowned Group 1-winning bedewed tracker Exceedance, and retired of a mare by the precocious large Sebring who besides thrived successful the wet, Etude looks supremely placed.


But rival and resuming filly Umabett, having her archetypal outing since a Group 3 debut astatine Randwick past spring, is 1 of 3 acceptors successful the contention from the Neasham stable.

And the 2 camps are astatine it again successful a competitory Benchmark 66 Hcp implicit 1450m to adjacent the meeting.

The Neasham-trained pugnacious and accordant three-year-old Code In Time shapes arsenic the 1 to bushed heavy into his prep; portion talented Lees filly Bangetta is acceptable to highest fourth-up.

Supplied by Racing NSW
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