NEET 2024 scam: Political slugfest over 'fraud' charges, fresh plea in SC seeks exam cancellation | 10 key points

1 week ago 7

The Medical entranceway exam NEET-UG has go a centre of contention with respective irregularities allegations pertaining to the exams. From students demanding reneet, plea for CBI probe, grace marks, insubstantial leak to present a governmental slugfest, here's a look astatine what we cognize truthful far.

1. The Supreme Court connected June 14 sought responses from the Centre and the NTA connected a plea for a CBI probe into allegations of question insubstantial leak and different irregularities successful the exam. It added that the pleas volition beryllium taken up with different pending ones connected July 8.

NEET UG 2024 Hearing Highlights

2. As reported by PTI, a petition has been submitted to the apical tribunal contiguous by 20 students, requesting the cancellation of the NEET-UG 2024 exam. It besides called for an investigation, supervised by the highest court, to beryllium conducted by the CBI oregon different autarkic agency, into the purported irregularities successful the trial administered connected May 5. The students who filed the petition had appeared for the aesculapian entranceway exam, has besides sought a absorption to the NTA and others to behaviour the trial afresh.

Students holding placards protestation against the alleged irregularities successful the NEET examination, successful Bhopal connected Friday. (ANI)

Also Read: NEET Exam Row: National Testing Agency releases FAQs amid effect controversy

3. Earlier connected Thursday, the Centre had informed the apical tribunal that the determination to assistance grace marks to 1,563 NEET-UG 2024 candidates for admittance to MBBS, BDS, and different courses has been revoked. It besides informed that the NTA has decided to reconduct the NEET (UG) for 1563 candidates who had experienced clip nonaccomplishment and these candidates tin opt for a re-test connected June 23. The results for the retest volition beryllium declared connected June 30. However, the Centre added that if the campaigner wishes to opt retired of the retest, their erstwhile marks, excluding the grace marks, volition beryllium considered for effect purposes.

Ranchi: Members of National Students Union of India (NSUI) signifier a protestation implicit the alleged irregularities successful NEET 2024 results, successful Ranchi, Friday, June 14, 2024. (PTI Photo)(PTI06_14_2024_000142B)

4. Currently, the NTA oregon the Centre has denied each the controvery claims. Moreover, the NTA said that the sanctity of the exam was not compromised. It alternatively attributed the emergence successful the fig of apical scorers to summation successful the competitiveness of the exam and summation successful show standards.

5. Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan person said that that nary child’s vocation volition beryllium successful jeopardy and said that Centre is committed to protecting the interests of NEET examinees.

6. With students demanding reneet, the six students from Haryana who scored cleanable people are present successful intelligence distress. One topper told HT, "What if I did not marque it this time? Society volition laughter astatine maine and my household members. This undue unit is troubling maine present and it volition interaction my studies too.”

Also Read: NEET UG 2024: ‘It’s a nightmare’, 6 cleanable scorers successful Haryana disquieted aft NTA retreat grace marks

7. Another topper pupil who scored 720 aft grace marks added, “I person been the topper of my schoolhouse successful Class 10 and 12 and it was not magic that I did it again. The determination is conscionable not just arsenic mentally we were relaxed amid celebrations by friends and household members. This quality had turned into a nightmare,” arsenic quoted by HT.

8. The NEET not lone has caused protestation among student, but the absorption person travel heavuly connected the BJP government. Congress person Priyanka Gandhi Vadra slammed the enactment for “attacking the dreams of the younker arsenic soon arsenic it took oath.” Digvijay Singh demanded a probe and besides called for the full exam to beryllium cancelled.

9. Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) person Tejashwi Yadav besides launched a fierce onslaught connected the cardinal authorities and said that whether the BJP is successful powerfulness astatine Centre oregon successful state, insubstantial leaks are "inevitable". Calling it a superior matter, Yadav wrote connected X, “The accused successful custody is admitting that the insubstantial has been leaked. Candidates, parents, students, and youth, each worried. The full strategy is suspicious but the NDA authorities is truthful immersed successful arrogance that it is wholly ignoring the credibility of examinations successful the country.” Tamil Nadu CM MK Stalin who has been the erstwhile who has called for NEET prohibition from the begining said, "Tamil Nadu was the archetypal to accidental that NEET was a scam and present the full state has started saying so, helium said portion speaking astatine a schoolhouse acquisition section relation here. "We volition surely extremity this 1 day. It's our responsibility. Society, fiscal oregon governmental concern should not beryllium a obstruction to your education. This is my purpose and besides that of our Dravidian exemplary of governance."

10. Amid the controversy, galore person been arrested crossed assorted states. As per PTI report, connected June 14, 5 persons, including the main and teacher of a schoolhouse successful Godhra municipality successful Gujarat's Panchmahal territory were arrested for allegedly trying to assistance 27 candidates wide the NEET-UG for a sum of 10 lakh each.

(With inputs from agencies)

HomeEducationNEET 2024 scam: Political slugfest implicit ’fraud’ charges, caller plea successful SC seeks exam cancellation | 10 cardinal points

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