On NEET row, Rajya Sabha MP Sagarika Ghose says 'one-size-fits-all solution leading to erosion of systems'

5 days ago 7

Rajya MP from the Trinamool Congress Sagarika Ghose reacted to the NEET row, saying that "the obsession with a one-size-fits-all solution is starring to erosion of systems."

Her connection came arsenic the ruling NDA authorities and the National Testing Agency (NTA) faced disapproval implicit the alleged irregularities surrounding this year's NEET-UG exam. This resulted successful respective protests crossed the country, with protestors and governmental parties demanding to disband the NTA.

Ghose reacted to the contented successful an interrogation with the Hindustan Times, saying that the instrumentality to woody with specified situations lies successful hiring professionals to tally these institutions.

"Also excessive centralisation and the 'obsession' with 1 size fits each solution is starring to erosion of systems," the Rajya Sabha MP was quoted arsenic saying.

As per the report, Ghose said she aims to signifier a conjugation of beardown women absorption leaders successful the Parliament to country the authorities precise aboriginal successful its 3rd term.

NEET row

The NEET introspection was held connected May 5 crossed 4,750 centres and astir 24 lakh candidates appeared for the exam. The results were expected to beryllium declared connected June 14 but were announced connected June 4, seemingly due to the fact that the valuation of the reply sheets was completed earlier.

As galore arsenic 67 students scored a cleanable 720, unprecedented successful the NTA's history. Six of them were from a centre successful Haryana's Faridabad figuring. This raised suspicions astir irregularities. It was alleged that grace marks contributed to 67 students sharing the apical rank.

The Supreme Court Friday refused to defer the NEET-UG counselling process, scheduled to footwear disconnected connected July 6, saying it is not an "open and shut" exercise, adjacent arsenic the governmental cookware kept boiling implicit the controversy-ridden exam with the absorption attacking the Centre implicit alleged insubstantial leak and different irregularities.

The NEET-UG introspection is conducted by the NTA for admissions to MBBS, BDS, AYUSH and different related courses successful authorities and backstage institutions crossed the country.

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HomeEducationnewsOn NEET row, Rajya Sabha MP Sagarika Ghose says ’one-size-fits-all solution starring to erosion of systems’

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