Olympics medalist Bajrang Punia suspended by NADA for anti-doping rule violation

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3 min read 23 Jun 2024, 07:24 PM IST checkcibilBtn


According to NADA, Punia refused to supply his urine samples to the apex assemblage aft objecting to the usage of allegedly 'expired kits' by NADA.

India's Bajrang Punia reacts during the 19th Asian Games, successful  Hangzhou, China. (PTI Photo/Gurinder Osan/File) (PTI)Premium India's Bajrang Punia reacts during the 19th Asian Games, successful Hangzhou, China. (PTI Photo/Gurinder Osan/File) (PTI)

Tokyo Olympics bronze medalist wrestler Bajrang Punia connected 23 June was suspended for anti-doping regularisation usurpation by the National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA), the wrestler's lawyer Vidushpat Singhania confirmed.

According to NADA, Punia refused to supply his urine samples to the apex assemblage aft objectiong to the usage of allegedly 'expired kits' by NADA and sought a reply from the governing assemblage regarding the same.

Though being warned by the Doping Control Officer (DCO) of the consequences of not submitting his urine sample, Punia did not supply the samples, PTI quoted NADA arsenic saying.

ALSO READ: Wrestler Bajrang Punia accuses anti-doping bureau of utilizing expired instrumentality for dope tests

"Chaperone/DCO had duly approached you and informed you that you were required to supply a urine illustration for dope investigation purposes. Even aft respective requests made by the DCO, you had refused to supply your urine illustration connected the crushed that you would not supply the illustration unless NADA replies to your email regarding the contented of expired kits, which were utilized by the acrophobic DCO who had travel to cod the illustration of the Athlete for the dope trial astir 2 months ago. Following your refusal to taxable to illustration collection. the DCO of NADA had besides explained to you successful detail, astir its consequences and outcomes nether the NADR, 2021. Despite each efforts made by the DCO, you had refused to taxable for the illustration collection," said a papers from NADA.

Bajrang has been fixed clip till July 11 to respond to the notice.

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"You person until 11.07.2024, to admit the asserted ADRV(s) (anti-doping regularisation violations), waive a proceeding and judge the projected Consequences by signing, dating and returning the acceptance of consequences form. enclosed with this letter," said the notice.

In lawsuit the violations done by Punia are upheld, NADA warned that consequences could be: "-Disqualification of results successful the lawsuit during which the ADRV occurred, committee of the ADRV with each resulting consequences including forfeiture immoderate medals, points and prizes. -A play of Ineligibility taxable to imaginable elimination, simplification oregon suspend pursuant to Article 10 of the NADR of 4 years. -Automatic work of sanction."

"Please enactment that immoderate consequences shall person a binding effect connected NADA, the Wrestling Federation of India arsenic good arsenic each signatory to the World Anti-Doping Code successful each sports and countries," added NADA.

Earlier connected 23 June, Punia was provisionally suspended by NADA for allegedly refusing to supply a illustration of his urine erstwhile a dope-control serviceman from NADA approached him. The bureau reached pursuing his bout astatine the enactment trials for the Paris Olympics qualification tourney successful Sonepat connected 10 March, 2024.

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On 25 April, the United World Wrestling (UWW) imposed a provisional banon Punia until December.

The UWW backmost then, stated connected Punia's illustration connected its website: "Suspended for the pursuing crushed until Dec 31, 2024. Provisionally suspended by NADO IND for alleged ADRV (Anti-Doping Rule Violation)."

Meanwhile, Punia took to X aft this and said helium had ‘never refused’ to springiness his illustration to NADA officials.

He wrote, "This is to clarify that, I person astatine nary signifier refused to springiness my illustration for doping control. On 10 March 2024, erstwhile I was approached by alleged doping power officials, I simply reminded them that the past 2 times they came to cod my sample, they had gotten expired kits erstwhile and connected the different instance, they had approached maine with a azygous investigating kit arsenic opposed to the 3 investigating kits."

With bureau inputs.

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Published: 23 Jun 2024, 07:19 PM IST

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