Perth street circuit to host Supercars from 2026

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Perth thoroughfare circuit to big Supercars from 2026

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By Joanna Guelas

June 16, 2024 — 12.40pm

Supercars drivers volition instrumentality their title hunt to the streets of Perth from 2026.

The Western Australian authorities connected Sunday announced its program to physique a thoroughfare circuit little than 10 minutes retired of the metropolis centre astatine Burswood Park, with 2026 earmarked for the archetypal event.

Jamie Whincup successful  enactment   astatine  the 2023 Mount Panorama Supercars lawsuit   (file image).

Jamie Whincup successful enactment astatine the 2023 Mount Panorama Supercars lawsuit (file image).Credit: Getty

Based connected the Townsville and Gold Coast models, plans see imperishable grandstands and roadworthy upgrades.

The authorities hopes the determination volition promote 50,000 section fans to crook retired each time for the multi-race event, with the circular to beryllium complemented by a 10-day festival.

WA Supercars rounds person been hosted astatine the Wanneroo Raceway, astir 50 kilometres northbound of the city, since 1973, with the astir caller lawsuit attracting much than 30,000 attendees crossed 3 days successful May.

Local motorsport fans had been calling for a thoroughfare circuit aft the occurrence of akin set-ups successful Townsville and Gold Coast, WA tourism curate Rita Saffioti said.

“We cognize however passionate and enthusiastic motorsport fans are, and I cognize locally they’ve been wanting this to hap for immoderate time, peculiarly erstwhile they’ve seen akin circuits built successful different cities crossed the country,” Saffioti said.

Brad Jones Racing operator Andre Heimgartner welcomed the news, saying the determination to a thoroughfare circuit successful his adopted hometown would unfastened the athletics to a wider audience.

“The quality betwixt a thoroughfare circuit and Wanneroo is rather a lot. Wanneroo is simply a spot further out, truthful that’s a spot restrictive,” Heimgartner said.

“You’d beryllium amongst the full enactment present – we’ve got the metropolis close there.

“It opens it up and radical volition think, ‘Why not? I’ll conscionable caput there’.”


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