Perth to host top women’s soccer stars in exclusive tournament

1 week ago 6

Perth to big apical women’s shot stars successful exclusive tournament

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In a large athletics and tourism coup, Perth is acceptable to big immoderate of Australia’s apical women’s shot players successful an exclusive, first-of-its-kind lawsuit aboriginal this year.

After already announcing plans connected Sunday to bring Supercars to Perth successful 2026, the WA authorities confirmed the Perth International Football Cup volition instrumentality spot successful August and September and diagnostic immoderate of the game’s apical pistillate players.

(From left) Katrina Gorry, Caitlin Foord and Mary Fowler volition  articulation  different   Matildas stars astatine  the Perth International Football Cup successful  August.

(From left) Katrina Gorry, Caitlin Foord and Mary Fowler volition articulation different Matildas stars astatine the Perth International Football Cup successful August.Credit: Getty

Women’s Super League teams Manchester City, West Ham United, Leicester City and Paris Saint-Germain women’s teams volition caput to Perth for the week-long competitory accumulation tournament.

Matildas stars Mary Fowler, Alanna Kennedy, Mackenzie Arnold, Katrina Gorry, Clare Hunt and Courtney Nevin are among the existent players acceptable to vie successful the 4 teams.

Hot connected the heels of the Paris Olympics, the teams volition play 2 matches each astatine HBF Park earlier a last double-header astatine Optus Stadium.

Premier Roger Cook said the lawsuit is expected to pull hordes of local, interstate and overseas fans.

“The Perth International Football Cup is the archetypal of its kind, and volition spot immoderate of the world’s champion players and teams vie close present successful WA, including immoderate of our Matildas,” helium said.

“This lawsuit volition pull thousands of visitors to our state, supporting section jobs, section businesses and keeping our system strong.”

The tourney runs from August 26 to September 1. Pre-sale registration is now disposable here.

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