Poll shows growing concern over Biden's age after debate

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59 minutes ago

By Ana Faguy, BBC News, Washington

A caller canvass shows that immoderate Democratic voters are profoundly acrophobic astir whether Joe Biden is mentally acceptable to service arsenic president aft a shaky statement show connected Thursday.

A CBS News Youth Gov canvass released connected Sunday recovered that 72% of registered voters judge the president does not person the intelligence and cognitive wellness to service arsenic president - a crisp summation from the 65% who said the aforesaid successful an earlier CBS News poll.

Forty-nine percent of voters accidental the aforesaid of erstwhile President Donald Trump.

Particularly alarming for the Biden campaign, 45% of registered Democrats who responded to the canvass judge the president should measurement speech for different candidate.

Concerns astir the candidates' property - Mr Biden's is 81 and Trump is 78 - existed earlier Thursday's debate. Mr Biden's hoarse dependable and muddled answers, however, renewed concerns among immoderate Democrats astir his candidacy and near immoderate calling for Mr Biden to measurement aside.

In the days since the debate, archetypal woman Jill Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and erstwhile President Barack Obama person acknowledged it was not Mr Biden's champion performance.

But they and galore different Democratic allies rejected calls that Mr Biden should measurement aside.

The CBS canvass contrasts with a memo shared by Biden run chairwoman Jen O’Malley connected Saturday. It claims that interior polling shows that it is the "beltway class" counting Mr Biden out, not Americans crossed the country.

But interviews with voters aft the debate, backmost up the interest expressed successful CBS News' poll. Voters told BBC News they were worried astir the president aft his performance.

"I americium little assured successful the quality of Biden to pb this state contiguous than I ever person been," 1 Democratic elector told the BBC aft the debate.

With concerns growing, the president's run surrogates appeared connected a bid of authorities shows successful the US connected Sunday morning.

Democratic Senator Chris Coons, a adjacent state of the president and a run co-chair, fiercely defended the president connected ABC News' This Week.

“Joe Biden has an unthinkable record, and helium knows, arsenic the American radical do, that erstwhile you get knocked down, you get backmost up and you combat harder," the legislator said. "That’s what he’s readying to do.”

When Mr Coons was asked astir the president's intelligence fitness, helium deflected and raised concerns astir Trump. He besides would not accidental whether Mr Biden was listening to the increasing concerns astir his property and stability.

"He's the lone Democrat who tin bushed Donald Trump," Mr Coons said astir the president.

Democratic Senator Raphael Warnock said connected NBC News Meet the Press that the president should "absolutely not" driblet retired of the race.

"There person been much than a fewer Sundays erstwhile I wished I preached a amended sermon" Mr Warnock, who is besides a pastor, said.

"But aft the sermon was over, it was my occupation to embody the message, to amusement up for the radical that I serve. And that's what Joe Biden has been doing."

Meanwhile, Republicans doubled-down connected their critiques of the president's show saying it showed wherefore Trump was the close choice.

"Joe Biden had a disastrous performance, which is wherefore they're talking astir replacing him," Republican Senator JD Vance said connected Fox News connected Sunday.

Mr Vance said Trump was engaging, comic and had a "good natured demeanour" during the debate.

"That's what you request to beryllium capable to service arsenic president of the United States and to opposition with Joe Biden, who seemed to beryllium incapable to implicit a sentence," helium said.

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