Release of Gazan Hospital Director Draws Outcry in Israel

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Mohammad Abu Salmiya, the manager of Al-Shifa Hospital successful Gaza City, was released connected Monday aft much than 7 months successful Israeli detention without charges.

A antheral   successful  dark-blue scrubs astatine  a lectern outdoors, surrounded by different   men.
Mohammad Abu Salmiya, the manager of Al-Shifa Hospital, down the lectern, speaks to reporters successful confederate Gaza aft his merchandise from Israeli custody connected Monday.Credit...Mohammed Salem/Reuters

Hiba Yazbek

July 1, 2024Updated 4:17 p.m. ET

Israel released the manager of Gaza’s largest infirmary connected Monday aft much than 7 months of detention, Palestinian wellness officials said, a determination that drew an contiguous outcry successful Israel adjacent though nary charges against him person been made public.

Mohammad Abu Salmiya, the manager of Al-Shifa Hospital successful Gaza City, was taken into custody successful precocious November during an Israeli subject raid connected the facility, an aboriginal absorption of its penetration of Gaza. Human rights groups person said his prolonged detention was a motion of Israeli mistreatment of Palestinian prisoners, portion immoderate Israeli officials connected Monday denounced the determination to merchandise him arsenic an illustration of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s mismanagement of the war.

Speaking astatine a quality league aft his release, Dr. Abu Salmiya, visibly frail, said that helium had been released and returned to Gaza on with astir 50 different Palestinian detainees, including different doctors and wellness ministry unit members.

“We were subjected to utmost torture,” said Dr. Abu Salmiya, adding that his digit had been breached and that helium had been beaten implicit the caput repeatedly. The Israeli Prison Service, which operates the Nafha Prison wherever helium was past held, said successful a connection that it was not alert of Dr. Abu Salmiya’s claims, and that “all prisoners are detained according to the law.”

Dr. Abu Salmiya told reporters that he had been taken successful for 3 oregon 4 ineligible proceedings but that nary charges had been brought against him.

He was detained portion traveling with a United Nations convoy of ambulances evacuating patients from the infirmary to confederate Gaza, and was stopped astatine an Israeli checkpoint, the Gaza wellness ministry and the Palestine Red Crescent Society said.

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