Adidas is Samba-ing all over Nike’s high-tops

2 days ago 8
By Andrea Felsted

June 30, 2024 — 1.55pm

Nike has lowered its income outlook for this fiscal year, blaming a slump successful request for its top-selling sneakers, specified arsenic the Air Force 1 and Air Jordan 1. It’s nary coincidence that these styles person fallen retired of favour with fashionistas, who are alternatively choosing Adidas’ low-rise models, led by the Samba.

This sartorial displacement looks similar it is truly starting to wounded Nike. It’s antithetic for the marketplace person to beryllium truthful connected the backmost foot.

Michael Jordan wearing Nike Air Jordan 1 shoes successful  the mid-1980s.

Michael Jordan wearing Nike Air Jordan 1 shoes successful the mid-1980s.Credit: Getty

Nike main enforcement serviceman John Donahoe is trying to spark a revival with a suite of caller products. But these are chiefly focused connected performance: helping runners tally faster, footballers footwear harder and yoga enthusiasts agelong much comfortably. Nike and Adidas are besides manner brands; their astir palmy periods travel erstwhile their products are riding a question of popularity.

Until past year, Nike’s chunky styles – including the Dunk produced successful near-infinite colourways – were ubiquitous. Now, Adidas’ sleeker models, besides including the Handball Spezial, SL 72 and Gazelle, adorn the feet of fitsters.

As good arsenic improving Nike’s show offering — wherever it’s besides nether unit from rivals including Swiss upstart On Holding — Donahoe needs to find immoderate caller hits successful the much fashion-oriented manner class if helium is to wrestle backmost momentum from Adidas.


Underlining the reversal successful the 2 companies’ fortunes, Nike said that aft enjoying double-digit maturation implicit the past fewer years, income successful its manner concern fell crossed men’s and women’s products and its Jordan marque successful the 3 months to May 31. This dragged down its online sales, which declined 10 per cent successful the quarter.

The anemic request for its erstwhile high-fliers has continued successful April, May and June, a play for which Adidas is expected to study coagulated growth.

Nike wants to propulsion backmost connected its bestsellers — 1 of the reasons wherefore it expects gross to autumn by a mid-single-digit percent successful the twelvemonth to May 2025 — to marque country for caller models. But this present has much urgency.

While Adidas is starring the low-rise retro trend, Nike isn’t being wholly near behind. Donahoe recognises the request to revitalise the much style-oriented selection; Nike’s Cortez sneaker is gaining traction, with the institution precocious reissuing respective models specified arsenic an all-white leather mentation favoured by The Bear prima Jeremy Allen White, and the red, achromatic and bluish Forrest Gump model.

Meanwhile, the Killshot and the Field General are selling well, and Nike plans to ramp them up. It aims to astir triple its retro moving concern by the extremity of this fiscal year, compared with the commencement of fiscal 2024.

This demonstrates that Nike tin inactive beryllium agile, but it needs to spell further. Its merchandise archives, which Donahoe described arsenic a unsocial asset, connection opportunities. He besides recognises that the institution needs to beryllium faster to market, accelerating the plan and accumulation process to assistance it respond much rapidly to changing user tastes.

And portion determination are greenish shoots elsewhere, including enthusiasm astir the futuristic caller iteration of the Air Max sneaker, processing caller deed products won’t beryllium instantaneous. It could instrumentality a twelvemonth oregon truthful to bring successful bestsellers similar the Air Force 1.

Meanwhile, Adidas CEO Bjorn Gulden shows nary motion of letting up. The product-obsessed erstwhile nonrecreational footballer is already trying to expect what volition travel the Samba, and delaying immoderate launches to forestall the marketplace from overheating. He’s trying to marque the apparel that athletes deterioration much fashionable, and the summertime of athletics is simply a cleanable level to showcase these.


It’s small wonderment that Nike shares, which fell arsenic overmuch arsenic 18 per cent connected Friday to station their biggest diminution since 2001, person underperformed Adidas this year.

Still, manner is notoriously fickle. The Nike Dunk blew up rapidly 5 years ago. Adidas’ Yeezy collaboration with Kanye West imploded aft the instrumentalist known arsenic Ye’s antisemitic comments successful 2022.

For Nike to get backmost successful the game, it needs not lone to execute good connected the field, but look bully doing it.

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