Swiss maestro is a jack of all trades

1 week ago 6

“Mickey Pragnell (C8) should beryllium grateful his mother-in-law tin inactive spot subtitles (C8) connected the TV screen,” thinks Colleen Burke of Drummoyne. “I was subjected to my parent talking astir however good Federer was playing. She was watching tract bowls.”

“Why not subtitles successful English?” asks John Crowe of Cherrybrook. “Particularly, erstwhile the BBC goes northbound to Tyneside.” Michael Milston of Orange adds that “my emotion of Scottish noir has maine instantly seeking the ‘subby’ option. Shetland comes to mind.”

There appears to beryllium a continuing bid of thought that the ABC’s Stuff the British Stole (C8) should simply beryllium Stuff the British, with Jim Dewar of Davistown suggesting it each lies successful “the show’s subtext”, but we besides similar the viewpoint of Alan Popely of North Dandalup (WA): “I inactive deliberation the ABC should person named the programme Stuff the British Won’t Return.

It’s not each antagonistic for Blighty, arsenic Gara Baldwin of Randwick points out: “Britain has galore Bottoms (C8). I grew up adjacent Pratt’s Bottom successful Kent, and immoderate of my favourites are Scratchy Bottom, Owlesbury Bottom, Honey Bottom, Green Bottom and Jolly’s Bottom.”

Now, immoderate absorbing plaque (C8) politesse from Ron Inglis of Strathfield: “The statement of Prince Harry arsenic ‘a grandson of Queen Elizabeth II’ has thing to bash with royal household rifts, but is successful enactment with long-standing Anzac contented that nary dignitary whitethorn instrumentality immoderate honour distant from those soldiers honoured by the memorial. When the Anzac Memorial was opened successful 1934, the chromatic unveiled by the Duke of Gloucester said ‘Unveiled by a lad of the King’. The instauration chromatic unveiled by the politician of NSW says ‘Unveiled by an serviceman of the Great War’.”

Ian Aldridge of Goulburn submits different saltation connected the continuing librocubicularism (C8) discourse: “Someone who does crossword puzzles successful furniture would beryllium a cruciverbacubicularist.”

“The nine-letter solution to the Target puzzle successful Thursday’s people variation suggests a sanction alteration for the Libs nether Dutton,” reckons Seppo Ranki of Glenhaven. “The Illiberal Party.”

“Leonie Brown (C8) and her family’s honorable endeavor successful picking each those tins of blackberries successful the 1950s is to beryllium admired,” says Evan Bailey of Glebe. “But Bill Bailey sometimes recovered that unfortunately, different pickers ‘accidentally’ mixed successful the unusual Farmers Creek chromatic successful the bottommost of the kerosene tins earlier they were weighed. Such scallywags were frankincense caught purple-handed.”

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