These are the best new houses in NSW. Which would you choose?

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A caller location connected NSW’s cardinal seashore that provided a household with a bush haven during COVID has been awarded the highest grant for champion caller house.

The Wilkinson Award for residential architecture successful the 2024 NSW Architecture Awards was awarded connected Friday nighttime to a location designed by Melissa Bright of Studio Bright.

Completed successful 2019, the location was humble successful standard but generous successful nature, the assemblage said.

The presumption    from wrong  Maitland Bay House.

The presumption from wrong Maitland Bay House.Credit: Rory Gardiner

Surrounded by gum trees, adjacent Bouddi National Park and overlooking Maitland Bay, the location celebrated the majesty and the colours of the angophora – with the bricks echoing the mottled bark of these trees.

“I don’t judge you tin execute bully architecture without reasoning astir landscape,” Bright told the Local Project.

It was selected from a shortlist of 15 homes for the caller location class of the yearly authorities awards by the NSW Chapter of the Institute of Architects.

Compared to galore ample homes, the Maitland Bay location has cosy spots: Window boxes supply a quiescent spot to work a publication and instrumentality successful the presumption of the seashore and trees, and a sunken surviving country is filled with children’s books and toys.

To determine the winners, the assemblage of architects, Jon Jacka, Rory Brooks and Caroline Kite of Studio KaaKi, and this newsman spent a week travelling crossed NSW to sojourn 15 shortlisted homes.

Here’s a assemblage of the winners and commended homes. Read much details astir the different properties beneath and ballot for your favourite.

  • Clifton House successful Bondi by Anthony Gill Architects was a “a jewel of a household home”, said the jury. It precocious sold for $10.7 million.
  • Blok Belongil by Blok Modular with Vokes and Peters at Byron Bay. The modular gathering with a triangular signifier challenged emblematic gathering methods and assumptions astir the signifier of buildings that get connected the backmost of a truck.
  • Shed House by Breakspear Architecture in Sydney’s Earlwood was an alternate lodging exemplary for our suburbs, partially inspired by Nino Sydney’s Beachcomber designs of the 1950s and 1960s. Designed astir an interior courtyard, the assemblage said it was an environmentally responsive lodging benignant acceptable to alteration our suburbs for the better.
  • Kidman Lane by Plus Minus Design in Paddington was humble successful budget, but affluent successful detail, the assemblage said. Neighbours thought the location renovated the full street.

Another 4 homes were commended:

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