WA news LIVE: Man arrested after five injured in Perth CBD incident; The flood-prone suburbs at risk of being uninsurable

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From today, engineered chromatic has been banned successful a bid to support workers from inhaling deadly silica dust, which has agelong been linked to diseases specified arsenic lung crab and silicosis.

The prohibition aims to support workers from contracting silicosis during the manufacture oregon installation of engineered chromatic – commonly utilized to marque room oregon bath benchtops.

In December 2023, enactment wellness information ministers from astir Australia decided to prohibition the worldly successful workplaces from July 1.

Cutting, drilling, grinding, shaping, sanding and polishing the chromatic are astir apt to nutrient good crystalline silica particulate which, erstwhile workers respire in, tin pb to silicosis – an incurable, debilitating lung illness that tin beryllium fatal.


WA Industrial Relations Minister Simone McGurk said 56 silicosis cases had been identified successful the authorities since 2018, with 50 related to engineered stone.

“We would similar to marque it wide to the assemblage that engineered chromatic benchtops already installed successful homes bash not airs a hazard, arsenic the finished merchandise does not merchandise dust,” she said.

“From September 1 we volition besides present stronger regulations to guarantee workers are not exposed to good crystalline silica particulate from different silica-containing products.”

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