Woman charged with murder after husband’s body found in Epping

1 week ago 11

A pistillate has been charged with execution aft her hubby was recovered dormant successful their location successful Sydney’s north-west.

Police were called to the location connected Damon Avenue successful Epping astir 11am connected Saturday pursuing a interest for payment report.

Police astatine  the country   successful  Epping connected  Saturday aft  a man’s assemblage  was recovered  and a pistillate   was arrested.

Police astatine the country successful Epping connected Saturday aft a man’s assemblage was recovered and a pistillate was arrested.Credit: Steven Siewert

“On arrival, constabulary located the assemblage of a man. While helium is yet to beryllium formally identified, helium is believed to beryllium aged successful his 60s,” NSW Police said successful a statement.

The man’s wife, besides believed to beryllium aged successful her 60s, was arrested astatine the country and taken to Gladesville constabulary station.

Police person confirmed home unit is 1 enactment of enquiry for investigators.

Nine News reported the couple’s lad besides lived astatine the location and was successful shock.

At 11.40pm connected Saturday night, the pistillate was charged with murder.

Neighbours connected the wide and leafy cul-de-sac connected Saturday said it was a quiescent and multicultural area.

Anyone who has accusation astir the incidental is urged to interaction Ryde police.

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