Trial By Water, Episode 5: The ‘golden thread’ in Farquharson’s convictions

2 days ago 3

Subscriber exclusive: Listen to the 5th and last occurrence of the Trial By Water podcast.

For Carmen Ross, dissimilar for astir of us, Robert Farquharson’s conviction and punishment is not safely successful the past. It’s precise overmuch successful her life. She talks to her member connected the telephone 2 oregon 3 times a week. And she goes and visits him successful Barwon situation erstwhile a month.

For Farquharson’s entreaty to succeed, he’ll person to alteration the minds of radical wrong the ineligible system. It’s the aforesaid strategy that’s already doubly decided Farquharson deserves to walk 33 years down bars. To get a antithetic determination present volition beryllium a immense task.

Listen present to the last occurrence of Trial By Water successful the subordinate below.

New authorities allows Farquharson and his ineligible squad to effort to motorboat different appeal. To get there, helium has to contiguous caller grounds to the Court of Appeal. And if they hold it’s caller and compelling, and that determination mightiness person been a important injustice, past they’ll perceive to your argument.

But it’s hard. For example, to number arsenic fresh, the caller grounds can’t person been enactment astatine your archetypal trial. Makes sense. But it besides means it can’t adjacent person been disposable backmost then. So, if your lawyer could person argued it but didn’t, it’s inactive not counted arsenic fresh.

In the last occurrence of Trial By Water, you’ll besides perceive again from Kate Lahey and Katie Bice, our 2 colleagues from The Age. We spoke to them astatine the precise opening of the bid astir their misgivings with the investigation. Have caller interpretations of the subject that helped to convict Farquharson doubly changed their minds astir his guilt?

If you’re caller to this podcast series, drawback up connected Episodes 1-4 below.

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