A raspy Biden gets off to a halting start against Trump in the first 2024 presidential election debate

2 days ago 2

ATLANTA - Struggling with a raspy dependable and rambling answers, President Biden struggled during portions of Thursday night's archetypal of 2 debates with erstwhile President Trump successful the 2024 predetermination rematch.

But the 81-year-old Biden, the oldest president successful American history, astatine times sharpened his answers, calling retired his Republican predecessor successful the White House for galore falsehoods.

The 2 large enactment presumptive nominees traded occurrence implicit galore issues, from the system and ostentation to migration and borderline security, abortion, clime change, the Jan. 6, 2021 onslaught connected the U.S. Capitol, and overseas conflicts successful Europe and the Mideast.

Biden astatine the apical of the statement highlighted the economical gains during his presidency, touting that helium had created jobs and was bringing down the outgo of medicine drugs. But Biden acknowledged that "there’s much to beryllium done."


Biden astatine  CNN Debate

President Joe Biden speaks arsenic helium participates successful the archetypal statesmanlike statement of the 2024 elections with erstwhile US President and Republican statesmanlike campaigner Donald Trump astatine CNN's studios successful Atlanta, Georgia, connected June 27, 2024. (ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS/AFP via Getty Images)

The president argued that Trump near him with an "economy successful shambles," charging that "things were successful chaos." 

Trump returned fire, charging that "inflation is sidesplitting our country," touting that helium created "the top system successful the world" earlier the COVID pandemic swept the globe during the past twelvemonth of his presidency.

But Biden, who faces questions implicit his carnal and intelligence stamina arsenic helium seeks a 2nd four-year word successful the White House, appeared to suffer his bid of thought arsenic helium answered a question connected the economy, concluding with "we yet bushed Medicare." 

Trump instantly pounced: "That’s right, helium did bushed Medicaid, helium bushed it to death. And he’s destroying Medicare."

A fewer minutes later, arsenic the 2 candidates traded occurrence implicit the contented of immigration, Trump pounced again aft different rambling reply from Biden.

"I truly don’t cognize what helium said connected this, and I don’t deliberation helium knows what helium said either," Trump said.

Trump Biden CNN debate

President Joe Biden (R) and Republican statesmanlike candidate, erstwhile U.S. President Donald Trump enactment successful the CNN Presidential Debate astatine the CNN Studios connected June 27, 2024 successful Atlanta, Georgia. President Biden and erstwhile President Trump are facing disconnected successful the archetypal statesmanlike statement of the 2024 campaign. ( Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

The 2 repeatedly traded occurrence during the debate.

Biden, evoking his eldest lad Beau, who served successful the Iraq War earlier dying of encephalon cancer, jabbed astatine Trump for reportedly calling Americans killed successful combat "suckers and losers."

"My lad was not a loser, was not a sucker. You’re the sucker. You’re the loser," Biden claimed.

Trump fired back, arguing that helium ne'er disparaged American troops and slammed Biden for the chaotic withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan successful the summertime of 2021, calling it "the astir embarrassing time successful the past of our country’s life."

And Trump criticized Biden for presiding implicit "the worst presidency successful the past of our country."

Trump entered the statement 1 period aft being convicted of 34 felony counts successful the archetypal transgression proceedings of a erstwhile oregon existent president successful the nation's history.

Biden called Trump a "convicted felon" and argued that "you person the morals of an alley cat," arsenic helium referenced allegations successful the proceedings that Trump had enactment with a porn actress.

"I did not person enactment with a porn star," Trump snapped backmost arsenic helium besides brought up the felony convictions of Hunter Biden, the president's sole remaining son.

And pointing to Biden, Trump said "he could beryllium a convicted felon arsenic soon arsenic helium gets retired of office…This antheral is simply a criminal."

Biden run sources explained that the president's raspy dependable was owed to a cold.

Trump run elder advisor Chris LaCivita fired backmost successful a societal media post, arguing that the "Biden run telling property that aft 10 days connected abrogation @JoeBiden has a "cold"."

Only the Democratic incumbent and his Republican predecessor were connected the stage, arsenic the 3rd enactment and autarkic candidates moving for the White House – including Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – failed to scope the qualifying thresholds. 

Biden and Trump to look   disconnected  successful  their archetypal  2024 wide   predetermination  statesmanlike  debate

A motion extracurricular the CNN Presidential Debate site, arsenic President Biden and erstwhile President Trump look disconnected for the archetypal clip successful 4 years,  on June 27, 2024 successful Atlanta, Georgia (Fox News - Paul Steinhauser)

To marque the stage, candidates needed to scope astatine slightest 15% successful 4 approved nationalist surveys and to marque the ballot successful capable states to scope 270 electoral votes, which is the fig needed to triumph the White House.

Trump and Biden bypassed the Commission connected Presidential Debates – which had organized these quadrennial showdowns for implicit 3 decades – and alternatively mutually agreed connected the rules and conditions for their 90-minute-long debate.

Those included nary workplace assemblage and each candidate's microphone muted but erstwhile it was their crook to reply questions.


The statement was held arsenic polls bespeak a precise choky contention betwixt Biden and Trump, with the erstwhile president holding the flimsy borderline successful galore nationalist surveys and successful the astir half-dozen oregon truthful battleground states that volition apt find the election's outcome.

Following the debate, Biden and Trump some enactment successful the South arsenic they clasp rallies successful states they're aiming to flip travel November.

The president heads to Raleigh, North Carolina, wherever he'll clasp a rally Friday successful a authorities helium mislaid to Trump by a razor-thin borderline successful 2020.

While Biden's successful North Carolina, Trump volition beryllium rallying Friday successful Virginia, which helium mislaid by 10 points 4 years ago.

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Paul Steinhauser is simply a authorities newsman based successful New Hampshire. 

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