WATCH: Potential VP pick Tulsi Gabbard says Trump running mate should have this major quality

2 days ago 3

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Former Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard has go a fixture among conservatives since dumping the Democrat Party 2 years agone to go an independent.

The outspoken professional of President Biden and her erstwhile enactment is present rumored to beryllium connected erstwhile President Trump's moving mate shortlist — albeit arsenic a agelong changeable — thing she hasn't shied distant from arsenic discussions astir the champion prime for Republicans to reel successful undecided and mean voters ramp up up of the Republican National Convention (RNC) adjacent month.

Fox News Digital caught up with Gabbard, who said successful May she'd beryllium "honored" to articulation Trump connected the Republican ticket, during a caller travel to Washington, D.C., wherever she shared what she viewed arsenic the required qualities for immoderate idiosyncratic hoping to beryllium picked by the erstwhile president.


Tulsi Gabbard

Tulsi Gabbard attends a unrecorded taping of Hannity astatine Fox News Channel Studios connected September 13, 2023 successful New York City. (Steven Ferdman/Getty Images)

"In bid to win, you person to beryllium capable to bring successful radical who whitethorn not already beryllium with you oregon already beryllium a portion of your enactment base. This is important, not lone for the election, to beryllium capable to bring successful our chap Americans," 

"It is besides important to bash the pugnacious enactment that volition travel should President Trump win, to beryllium capable to really basal retired the rot of corruption that exists wrong imperishable Washington, to basal retired the heavy state, basal retired those who judge that their relation successful authorities is much important than the radical of this country," she said.

"We've got to flip it connected its caput and punctual radical that we should person a constricted authorities that exists to service the people, not the different mode around."


Donald Trump

Former US President Donald Trump speaks during a run lawsuit astatine Historic Greenbrier Farms successful Chesapeake, Virginia, US, connected Friday, June 28, 2024. (Parker Michels-Boyce/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

Those who person mentioned Gabbard arsenic a imaginable enactment for Trump constituent to what could beryllium her quality to pull moderates and independents fixed her much wide views connected definite societal positions, arsenic good arsenic her views connected however the Democrat Party has go much extremist implicit time.

Gabbard left the enactment successful 2022, stating, "I tin nary longer stay successful today’s Democratic Party that is present nether the implicit power of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who disagreement america by racializing each contented & stoke anti-white racism."

She elaborate her thought process down the determination successful a publication she published earlier this year, "For Love Of Country: Leave the Democrat Party Behind."


Tulsi Gabbard

Former Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard speaks with Fox News Digital successful Washington, D.C. connected June 21. 2024. (Fox News Digital/Brandon Gillespie)

"When I announced I was leaving the Democratic Party, I got a flood of messages and emails and notes and DMs from radical who, arsenic you conscionable pointed out, felt the aforesaid mode that I did," Gabbard told Fox erstwhile asked astir her book's message.

"I saw the accidental to beryllium capable to really spell into much detail, not lone connected the reasons wherefore I near the Democratic Party, but the experiences that I've had that brought maine to that determination to permission the enactment that I was associated with for implicit 20 years, recognizing that that whitethorn assistance others who are struggling done their governmental decision, some astir whether oregon not they privation to beryllium associated with the enactment oregon permission the Democratic Party, but besides truly critically, however they volition ballot successful this election."


Gabbard said her publication was "a precise nonstop telephone to action" due to the fact that of what the enactment had become.

It's unclear erstwhile precisely Trump mightiness denote his moving mate, but helium suggested past period helium whitethorn marque the announcement astatine the RNC successful Milwaukee adjacent month. He told Fox News past week helium had decided who it was going to be, earlier aboriginal stating his prime would beryllium successful attendance astatine his archetypal statement against Biden, which was held Thursday successful Atlanta.

Those connected the shortlist who joined Trump successful Atlanta included Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance, North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum and New York Rep. Elise Stefanik. However, Gabbard was notably not present.

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Brandon Gillespie is an subordinate exertion astatine Fox News. Follow him connected X astatine @BGillespieAL.

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