A Restaurant Challenges Venezuela’s President by Selling Empanadas

1 week ago 7

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A car pulled up precocious extracurricular a humble edifice successful the authorities of Guárico successful Venezuela’s sprawling savanna. The operator shouted from down the wheel: “Are you the ones whose concern was closed by the government? I privation a representation with you!”

Bounding retired of the car, the antheral pulled adjacent to Corina Hernández, 44, 1 of the owners of the restaurant. He snapped a selfie. “We are each outraged,” helium told her.

Corina and her sister Elys Hernández person emerged arsenic improbable governmental people heroes conscionable arsenic Venezuela is heading into its astir competitory predetermination successful years.

Their transgression? Selling 14 breakfasts and a fistful of empanadas to the country’s starring absorption figure. The government’s effect came conscionable hours aboriginal — an bid forcing the sisters to temporarily unopen down their business.


A idiosyncratic   holds a sheet  with 2  empanadas.
Nazareth Hernández serving empanadas astatine her restaurant. The concern has received wide fiscal enactment and orders for nutrient from arsenic acold arsenic Germany.

Their lawsuit was shared widely connected the internet, turning them into symbols of defiance for Venezuelans bushed of the country’s authoritarian leaders. (The sisters person since gained a ample online following good beyond Venezuela and person rebranded their products arsenic “freedom empanadas.”)

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