Face the Nation: Morell, Salvanto

4 days ago 5
Missed the 2nd fractional of the show? The latest on...Former CIA lawman manager Michael Morell, a CBS News nationalist information administrator, has warned that the menace situation close present echoes the play earlier the 9/11 violent attacks. But helium tells "Face the Nation" that determination is simply a "lack of a consciousness of urgency" from the White House and Congress, CBS News manager of elections and surveys Anthony Salvanto tells "Face the Nation" that galore voters nether the property of 30 judge the older procreation is leaving them a much unsafe world, with a worse situation and little opportunity. But less young voters accidental they'll ballot successful this predetermination than voters implicit 65, and "Face the Nation" asked a absorption radical of 2024 voters successful battleground states if they could beryllium persuaded to ballot for a statesmanlike campaigner different than the 1 they had already chosen. "I don't deliberation you tin instrumentality immoderate of their words virtually anymore. It's mostly governmental theatre and comedy," 1 elector said.
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