Australia doubles student visa fees, mandates offshore applications amid migration concerns

2 days ago 1

The Australian authorities has doubled the visa exertion fees for planetary students from AUD 710 ($473) to AUD 1,600 ($1,068), which is astir 89,130.29 Indian Rupees, effectual July 1, Australia's Home Affairs ministry said successful a connection connected its website.

The determination aims to tackle the precocious migration levels that person strained the country's lodging market.

According to the 2023 Australian Department of Education report, China has the highest fig of planetary students successful Australia, followed by India. 

The determination to treble the interest would importantly impact planetary students.

From July 1, 2024, students applying for an “Australian Student Visa” indispensable statesman their exertion process from extracurricular Australia alternatively than wrong the country. Holders of circumstantial visas, specified arsenic Visitors and Temporary Graduates, are apt to beryllium affected arsenic they tin nary longer use for pupil visas portion wrong Australia.

“Australia has a world-class acquisition sector, 1 that draws planetary students from astir the globe – truthful we request to marque definite each students are getting the prime of acquisition they wage for," said Brendan O’Connor, Minister for Skills and Training, Australia.

However, visa applications lodged earlier July 1 volition stay unaffected by the caller regulations. Working Holiday Makers and Work and Holiday visa holders are exempt from these changes. Their existent visa presumption volition not beryllium impacted.

Australia pupil visa: New rules

The Australian authorities said that upon the expiry of their student visas, impermanent graduates person to either permission the state oregon research occupation opportunities for employer-sponsored visas oregon imperishable residency. 

A caller "Graduates successful Limbo" study by the Grattan Institute revealed that 32 per cent of Temporary Graduate Visa holders opt to instrumentality to survey to widen their enactment successful Australia beyond the duration of their visa.

The caller regulations align with the further reforms introduced successful March for impermanent postgraduate visa holders. This means property eligibility is reduced from 50 to 35, and English connection proficiency is increased.

Students aiming for acquisition successful Australia tin question to the state portion awaiting their visa decision. However, they indispensable person oregon beryllium granted a visa that permits introduction and enactment successful Australia during that period. Offshore pupil visa applicants cannot use for a Bridging visa to stay successful Australia until their exertion is processed.

Visitor visa holders tin present survey lone for up to 3 months portion their visa is valid. Individuals who privation to prosecute studies beyond this play indispensable use for a Student visa from extracurricular Australia.

Australia pupil visa: Who cannot apply

Temporary Graduate, Maritime Crew, and Visitor visa subclasses are present prohibited from applying for a Student visa wrong the country. Specifically affected visa types see the holders of Temporary Graduate, Visitor, Electronic Travel Authority, Medical Treatment, eVisitor, and Maritime Crew visas.

Additionally, individuals possessing Temporary Work visas nether the International Relations (Domestic Worker - Diplomatic oregon Consular) stream, Domestic Worker (Temporary) - Diplomatic oregon Consular), Transit, Diplomatic Temporary - (primary visa holders only) are besides ineligible to record Student visa applications portion successful Australia.

HomeEducationnewsAustralia doubles pupil visa fees, mandates offshore applications amid migration concerns

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