Biden digs in while Democrats launch blame game as much of the party wishes he’d bow out

2 days ago 2

It was conscionable a atrocious night. You can’t justice a presidency by 90 minutes. It’s the interior circle’s responsibility for screwing up the statement prep. 

It’s the media’s responsibility for obsessing connected the property issue. It’s the CNN moderators who failed to propulsion backmost connected Donald Trump’s falsehoods. It’s the Democratic Party’s responsibility for being a clump of bed-wetters.

The blame-shifting has kicked into precocious cogwheel arsenic President Biden and his run effort to minimize the harm from his disastrous statement show and soundlessness disapproval that helium is destined to lose the election.

The occupation with each the finger-pointing is that 50 cardinal radical watched the president conflict to present immoderate benignant of coherent connection oregon to situation Trump’s attacks, astatine times wholly losing his bid of thought.


Biden CNN debate

President Biden participates successful the CNN Presidential Debate astatine CNN Studios successful Atlanta connected June 27. (Andrew Harnik/Getty Images)

No 1 needed a clump of pundits to analyse what they could spot with their ain eyes – a White House incumbent with a vacant look and his rima agape.

Now it’s existent that the wide media constitution has proclaimed that Biden should measurement speech successful favour of a younger nominee. That includes the editorial boards of the New York Times, Chicago Tribune and Atlanta Journal-Constitution, arsenic good arsenic salient names similar Tom Friedman, Paul Krugman, David Ignatius, Nick Kristof and David Remnick.

As for the impact, a post-debate CBS canvass recovered that those who don’t judge Biden has the intelligence fitness to service different word jumped from 65% to 72%. 

But Biden run seat Jen O’Malley Dillon enactment retired a memo saying: "If we bash spot changes successful polling successful the coming weeks, it volition not beryllium the archetypal clip that overblown media narratives person driven impermanent dips successful the polls."


Excuse me, this was the statement that Biden wanted, and it was carried retired nether the no-interruption rules that helium demanded. With the Democratic Party successful a authorities of panic and speech of the normal picking idiosyncratic else, of people it’s going to beryllium covered arsenic a immense story.

Trump besides got an assistance yesterday from the Supreme Court, which ruled that helium has implicit immunity for authoritative acts – specified arsenic dealing with the Justice Department – portion sending parts of the Jan. 6 indictment backmost to the proceedings court, which means much litigation. Trump called it "a large triumph for our Constitution."

The "one atrocious night" defence doesn’t clasp water. While Barack Obama said helium excessively had a atrocious nighttime (against Mitt Romney successful 2012), helium was 51 years old. Nobody was questioning his stamina oregon intelligence acuity. It’s precise antithetic with a faltering 81-year-old asking for different term.

At a Biden household gathering connected Sunday astatine Camp David, the treatment centered not connected whether the president would measurement speech but however to determination past this crisis, the Times reports. And Jill Biden, who successful my presumption is drafting plentifulness of unfair attacks, is supporting her husband. The mates has ever backed each other’s decisions, it’s not realistic to expect her to archer the president to abdicate.

Biden walks to committee  Air Force One

On the heels of President Biden's mediocre statement show past week, the Democratic Party is attempting to prevention look by blaming anyone and thing but Biden. (SAMUEL CORUM/AFP via Getty Images)

The media are taking plentifulness of vigor for supposedly covering up Biden’s increasing infirmities, but they person collectively been making an contented of the president’s property for a agelong time. With a fistful of exceptions, astir journalists don’t person entree to Biden. They person seen what everyone other has seen connected the air, the president progressively mumbling and stumbling, and present it’s wide wherefore his apical advisers person been truthful determined to shield him from the property – adjacent a softball Super Bowl interview.

Even much stunning is an Axios report saying that astir White House officials and adjacent the residence staff, including butlers, were barred from Biden’s presence, truthful they wouldn’t spot his existent condition. Think astir that. They, led by Jill Biden’s apical aide, kept the president bubble-wrapped and isolated from astir of those moving for him connected the taxpayer’s dime. They were truthful shocked astatine his statement performance.


Now the crushed the Democrats are successful specified freakout mode is their implicit condemnation that if Trump wins helium volition extremity ideology arsenic we cognize it and govern arsenic an authoritarian. To this day, liberals neglect to recognize Trump’s entreaty and why, adjacent arsenic a convicted felon, helium is starring this race.

But if their fears are well-founded, however tin they hazard putting Trump backmost successful the Oval Office against an octogenarian who suffered specified a humiliating meltdown connected statement night? The Democrats regularly impeach Trump of caring lone astir himself, but aren’t they being selfish arsenic well?

Trump connected  statement   stage

Former President Trump participates successful the archetypal statesmanlike statement astatine CNN Studios successful Atlanta, Georgia, connected June 27. (Kyle Mazza/Anadolu via Getty Images)

It’s astir apt excessively precocious now, but those who suggested that possibly Joe shouldn’t tally – erstwhile Obama-Biden authoritative David Axelrod said past November helium should see dropping retired – suffered immense blowback. The White House leaked connection that Biden had called Axelrod a "prick."


I person covered Joe Biden since the 1980s, erstwhile helium enjoyed talking to journalists astatine length, and profiled him erstwhile helium launched his archetypal White House run successful 1987, which ended successful a plagiarism scandal. He besides flamed retired successful 2008, lone to beryllium named Obama’s moving mate, and the property declared him toast successful 2020 erstwhile helium finished 4th successful Iowa and 5th successful New Hampshire – earlier a immense triumph successful South Carolina sent him hurtling toward the nomination.

Biden has spent his big beingness trying to go president. Flying astir connected Air Force One is addictive. He inactive thinks he’s the lone Democrat who can bushed Trump. 

He is not going to locomotion distant from the White House, adjacent though overmuch of his enactment thinks helium should.

Howard Kurtz is the big of FOX News Channel's MediaBuzz (Sundays 11 a.m.-12 p.m. ET). Based successful Washington, D.C., helium joined the web successful July 2013 and regularly appears connected Special Report with Bret Baier and different programs.

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