Biden ripped for 'old' appearance, 'weak' voice during first presidential debate: 'Deeply alarming'

2 days ago 2

President Biden faced aggravated scrutiny for his "old" quality and "weak" sounding dependable passim Thursday's CNN Presidential Debate.

Various media figures, blimpish commentators and politicians took to societal media passim the event, describing Biden's authorities arsenic "deeply alarming" and "embarrassing."

"Biden looks old. Halting. He conscionable mislaid his bid of thought. His dependable is weak. Bad atrocious bad," erstwhile CNN commentator Chris Cilizza wrote connected X, portion blimpish commentator Clay Travis wrote, "Joe Biden looks similar helium mightiness dice connected signifier tonight. He’s mode worse than I thought helium would be. Holy crap."

"It's profoundly alarming that Joe Biden needs to beryllium secluded for 7 days truthful helium tin talk coherently for 90 minutes," wrote Republican Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton.

"Remember, Joe Biden acceptable the rules for this debate. He past spent a afloat week preparing. And helium looks similar this," Ben Shapiro wrote.

Conservative activistic Charlie Kirk questioned wherefore Biden appeared to support looking successful unusual directions, distant from erstwhile President Trump, the camera and moderators.

Brandon Gillespie is an subordinate exertion astatine Fox News. Follow him connected X astatine @BGillespieAL.

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