Iran Set to Hold Vote to Pick a President

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Whoever is chosen volition person to header with a cratering economy, determination strife and heavy divisions and discord astatine home.

A assemblage  of women, galore  dressed successful  black, waving tiny  flags of Iran.
Supporters of Saeed Jalili, the ultraconservative Iranian statesmanlike candidate, gathered successful Tehran connected Monday.Credit...Arash Khamooshi for The New York Times

Farnaz FassihiAlissa J. Rubin

June 28, 2024, 12:28 a.m. ET

After a testy run that featured beardown attacks connected the authorities by virtually each the candidates implicit the economy, net restrictions and harsh enforcement of the hijab instrumentality connected women, Iran volition clasp elections connected Friday to prime a president.

The ballot comes astatine a perilous clip for the country, with the incoming president facing a cascade of challenges, including discontent and divisions astatine home, an ailing system and a volatile portion that has taken Iran to the brink of warfare doubly this year.

With the contention coming down to a three-way conflict betwixt 2 blimpish candidates and a reformist, galore analysts foretell that nary of them volition execute the indispensable 50 percent of the votes, necessitating a runoff connected July 5 betwixt the reformist campaigner and the starring conservative.

That result whitethorn beryllium avoided if 1 of the starring blimpish candidates withdraws from the race, but successful a bitter nationalist feud, neither Gen. Mohammad Baqer Ghalibaf, a erstwhile commandant successful the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps and a pragmatic technocrat, nor Saeed Jalili, a hard-liner, has budged.

The polls unfastened astatine 8 a.m. Friday section clip crossed the country, with closings typically extending good into the night. But Iranian elections are tightly controlled, with a committee of appointed clerics and jurists vetting each the candidates and the intimidation of absorption voices successful the quality media. As a result, galore Iranians are expected to beryllium retired the vote, either arsenic a protestation oregon due to the fact that they bash not judge that meaningful alteration tin travel done the ballot box.


Supporters of the statesmanlike candidate, Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf successful Tehran connected Wednesday.Credit...Arash Khamooshi for The New York Times

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