Karen Read once 'admired' the Boston police boyfriend she's accused of killing

2 days ago 4

The pistillate charged with sidesplitting her Boston constabulary serviceman fellow had dated him concisely erstwhile they were successful their 20s, and they reconnected during the pandemic

CANTON, Mass. -- The pistillate accused of ramming her luxury SUV into her boyfriend and callously leaving him connected the crushed earlier a snowstorm had dated the Boston constabulary serviceman concisely erstwhile they were successful their 20s, and they reconnected aft the pandemic.

Long earlier she was charged with execution successful the decease of John O'Keefe, Karen Read had a palmy vocation arsenic a fiscal expert and adjunct prof astatine Bentley College. Now 44, she grew up successful Blacksburg, Virginia, and successful Taunton, Massachusetts. She attended Coyle & Cassidy, a now-closed backstage Roman Catholic school, and earned undergraduate and master’s degrees successful concern astatine Bentley, a backstage assemblage successful Waltham.

When she reconnected with O'Keefe, helium had moved to suburban Canton to instrumentality attraction of his niece and nephew aft their parents died. She told ABC News earlier the proceedings that she admired him for stepping up for his family, and she helped with the kids, staying implicit frequently.

But their narration soured. The niece and nephew testified astir their verbal fights. And what should person been a fun-filled travel to Aruba that wintertime was marred by animosity with aggravated words and an accusation of cheating.

Prosecutors suggested O'Keefe was looking for a mode retired earlier their past nighttime bar-hopping together. And moments aft she allegedly reversed her SUV into him connected the beforehand tract of different officer's location connected Jan. 29, 2022, she near him a voicemail that was replayed for the jurors, saying, “John, I (expletive) hatred you.”

Read, who contends she was framed by police, has been supported by friends and household including William Read, a erstwhile dean astatine Bentley who enactment up $50,000 bail for his daughter. He sits down her each time successful the courtroom, and said they person religion successful her innocence.

She has battled adversity before, undergoing aggregate surgeries for Crohn’s illness earlier being diagnosed with aggregate sclerosis, and her begetter told the Boston Globe, “Karen volition ne'er interruption down and she volition ne'er suffer her resolve.”

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