Feeling overwhelmed by uni applications? Here’s what year 12 students need to know

4 days ago 8


There are 9 antithetic imaginable connection rounds for twelvemonth 12 students starting assemblage successful semester 1, 2025, with each circular having antithetic deadlines for exertion and payment, papers upload and penchant change, so beryllium definite to cheque the cardinal dates cautiously here.

The different cardinal day is the aboriginal vertebrate processing complaint deadline connected September 30, 2024. If you’re readying to apply, beryllium definite to marque your UAC relationship and wage the $80 aboriginal vertebrate processing interest earlier October 1 to debar paying the larger modular interest of $215.


The Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC) doesn’t person an aboriginal connection circular for twelvemonth 12 students, lone what they telephone “timely applications”. VTAC applications unfastened from July 29, with the timely application deadline of 5pm, September 30, 2024. The exertion interest increases from $60 to $150 aft this date.

To debar higher fees, you request to make a VTAC relationship and taxable a people exertion by September 28. Don’t worry, you’ll inactive beryllium capable to alteration your preferences aft that date.

There are past 2 further deadlines for precocious (November 1) and precise precocious (December 6) applications, which some person adjacent higher fees.

VCE students and prime interstate students volition person the archetypal circular of offers connected December 23. The 2nd connection circular for each home students takes spot connected 10 January 2025.


Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC) is yet to corroborate the cardinal dates for twelvemonth 12 applicants for semester 1 2025 but, based connected erstwhile years, it is expected applications volition unfastened successful aboriginal August 2024.

The aboriginal connection rounds usually commence successful the 2nd fractional of August, portion the main connection circular is successful aboriginal to mid-January 2025.


QTAC mostly merchandise circumstantial dates successful mid-July, truthful cheque backmost past for much details.

Western Australia

In WA, the Tertiary Institutions Service Centre (TISC) applications are already open. There are 5 conditional aboriginal connection days for WA twelvemonth 12s connected September 2 and 24, October 14, November 18 and December 2.

TISC suggests you submit your applications astatine slightest 2 weeks before the connection time to beryllium considered successful that round. This benignant of connection is lone made connected archetypal preferences and tin beryllium confirmed successful the main circular if each conditions person been met with existent results and if the people has been retained arsenic the archetypal preference. Not each courses are portion of the conditional aboriginal connection schemes and specified offers are non-binding, truthful you tin alteration your mind.

Wednesday, December 11 astatine 11.59pm is the last day to upload transcripts and documents to beryllium considered for the main circular of offers, which are made connected December 21.

How bash you use for aboriginal entry?

Early introduction applications are mostly the aforesaid arsenic main circular applications and necessitate you to capable successful your details and bid your preference. You’ll request to spell to the website of the applicable authorities for the authorities you privation to use successful – UAC for NSW and the ACT, VTAC for Victoria, QTAC for Queensland and TISC for WA — marque an relationship and travel the prompts to taxable your preferences.

What kinds of courses travel a antithetic timeline?

Generally speaking, courses specified arsenic veterinary sciences and direct-entry pathways to Medicine often person antithetic exertion requirements, but nary substance your interest, it’s important to cheque the deadlines for your circumstantial people preferences successful lawsuit they travel a antithetic timeline.


How galore uni courses tin I use for?

Every authorities allows applicants to participate a bid of preferences. That means you spot the courses you privation to beryllium considered for successful bid of your preference. Each authorities allows a antithetic fig of preferences to beryllium entered. In Victoria, you tin participate 8 courses, successful NSW and the ACT it’s 5 courses, and successful WA and Queensland, you tin database six courses.

You’ll lone person 1 connection per round, truthful marque definite the people you privation to beryllium accepted into astir is listed first.

How bash I alteration my preferences?

Once you person submitted your application, you tin log backmost successful and alteration oregon reorder your penchant arsenic galore times arsenic you similar earlier the deadlines. You tin besides reorder your penchant aft each connection circular if you alteration your caput and privation to beryllium considered successful a antithetic bid oregon for antithetic courses.

How bash the preferences work?

In astir states, you tin lone person 1 connection successful each connection round, and institutions volition see your people preferences according to the bid successful which you database them. So your courses indispensable beryllium listed successful bid of however keen you are.

All preferences are fixed adjacent consideration, truthful it doesn’t substance if it’s your 4th penchant and idiosyncratic else’s archetypal preference, you’ll beryllium offered the highest penchant connected your database that you are qualified for.

It works a spot otherwise successful WA. Applicants determination volition lone person 1 ceremonial connection of study, arsenic each aboriginal offers are conditional. Only your archetypal penchant volition beryllium considered successful those aboriginal rounds. But for the main and 2nd circular of offers, it’s the aforesaid arsenic successful different states: preferences are considered arsenic and, if you person an offer, it volition beryllium for the highest preferences people you are qualified for.

Can I defer my study?

Deferral is mostly an option, but it’s decided by the idiosyncratic instauration truthful beryllium definite to cheque with the idiosyncratic unis you’re applying for if you are readying to defer your acceptance.

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