When uni goes back, Renee won’t be there. She’s banned – for protesting

2 days ago 1

Nayef said she understood she’d been singled retired for helping organise the encampment, but was unaware what the May 7 allegations referred to.


“The pro-Palestine question is an anti-racist question and we basal against each forms of racism and discrimination, that includes antisemitism and Islamophobia,” she said.

“Students for Palestine basal by those principles and truthful did our encampments astatine Deakin.”

Deakin has indicated it would usage recordings to analyse misconduct connected its field successful May.

This week, Melbourne University sent idiosyncratic CCTV footage shots to students arsenic grounds of their misconduct during the protests.

At slightest 19 Melbourne University students person been accused of wide misconduct – a codification breach that tin beryllium punishable by suspension oregon expulsion.

Students issued a connection done the Unimelb for Palestine run radical denouncing the usage of the CCTV footage, claiming determination tracking had besides been utilized arsenic impervious of wrongdoing.

“The grounds provided by the assemblage successful the misconduct allegations notices includes the precise clip of Wi-Fi usage, determination and the pupil numbers associated with the usage, which were past utilized to place and impeach peculiar students of misconduct,” the connection said.

A spokesperson for the assemblage said connected Friday that it would not remark connected idiosyncratic matters for confidentiality reasons.


Melbourne University said matters relating to pupil and unit behaviour were being assessed. “The assemblage is successful nonstop connection with individuals arsenic required successful narration to these matters,” it said.

At Monash, Madeline Curkovic is 1 of 9 students waiting for a day for a misconduct trial. Student protesters resisted unit from assemblage unit to battalion up the encampment successful Clayton for respective days, claiming it was packed up against their volition connected May 17.

Curkovik said students should person the close to explicit their enactment for Palestine.

“We acceptable it up due to the fact that we cognize that this is simply a motivation question of our time, and that what’s happening successful Gaza is an implicit atrocity,” she said.

“We’re being punished by the assemblage specifically for exercising our state of code and our close to protestation astir what’s happening.”

Curkovic and Nayef are facing disciplinary enactment   for the relation   they played successful  assemblage   protests.

Curkovic and Nayef are facing disciplinary enactment for the relation they played successful assemblage protests.Credit: Joe Armao

On October 7 past year, Hamas fighters crossed the borderline into Israel and killed 1200 radical and took much than 250 radical hostage, according to Israeli officials. Gazan wellness authorities study much than 37,000 radical person died during the consequent penetration of the territory by Israel.

Australian Lawyers Alliance spokesperson Greg Barns said that assemblage disciplinary enactment could person long-lasting effects connected a student’s aboriginal occupation prospects.

“These are heavy-handed actions due to the fact that they tin person superior implications for students who are required to beryllium that they are the due idiosyncratic for introduction into professions specified arsenic law, medicine oregon national oregon authorities authorities careers,” helium said.

“Those tests mostly see assemblage disciplinary matters successful summation to transgression offences. The menace of expulsion is extraordinarily draconian and should lone beryllium utilized successful the astir utmost circumstances.”

Greg Barns of the Australian Lawyers Alliance.

Greg Barns of the Australian Lawyers Alliance.Credit: Eamon Gallagher

Barns said disciplinary processes successful universities were “notoriously capricious”. “It depends connected the university, but the rights ... to ineligible practice tin beryllium limited,” helium said.

Nayef said her suspension would forestall her returning to Arab studies until mid-next twelvemonth arsenic the people won’t tally again until then. She said her activism would not end.

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