‘More disappointed than angry’: Kefu reacts to home invaders’ sentence

2 days ago 1

Australian rugby large Toutai Kefu has expressed his vexation astatine the level of transgression successful Brisbane and his disappointment astatine the sentences fixed to 2 teenagers who attacked his household successful 2021.

In the Supreme Court connected Thursday, Justice Peter Davis said the location penetration was “truly horrific” and photos of the Kefu location made it look “like a warfare zone”.

Davis sentenced the teenagers to 8 and 7 years’ detention respectively, and did not grounds convictions.

Toutai Kefu with his woman  Rachel astatine  their Brisbane location  successful  2021

Toutai Kefu with his woman Rachel astatine their Brisbane location successful 2021Credit: Paul Harris

On Nine’s A Current Affair connected Friday night, Kefu said his household would ne'er hide the incidental – “My woman doesn’t slumber immoderate more” – and had go much security-conscious.

“I’m truly frustrated by what’s happening astatine the moment,” Kefu said.

“There’s inactive a batch of break-ins and car thefts.”

Kefu said helium was “more disappointed than angry” astatine the sentences handed down to the teenagers, partially due to the fact that his household was inactive trying to determination on.

“We surely thought [the offenders] were going to get a batch much successful presumption of the sentencing but we were prepared for if they didn’t and we haven’t truly fixed that overmuch thought oregon emotion to that,” Kefu said.

“We’re putting our thoughts towards our girl who is successful twelvemonth 12, truthful we’re reasoning astir her graduating, we’re reasoning astir my lad who mightiness beryllium moving overseas, we’re reasoning astir that.

“So we’re reasoning astir things that are affirmative successful our aboriginal truthful we’re not giving overmuch thought to what’s happened successful the past.”


Speaking to Peter Fegan connected 4BC connected Friday morning, Attorney-General Yvette D’Ath flagged a imaginable entreaty of the sentences.

“There’s nary uncertainty that the nationalist would person heard that yesterday, and said that doesn’t conscionable assemblage expectations,” D’Ath said.

“It is simply a heinous crime. I cognize the authoritative asked for it to beryllium recognised arsenic a heinous crime, and that [they were] seeking sentences supra 10 years.

“I’m not going to bespeak connected the justice himself, but ... if the proposal to maine is that determination are tenable grounds to lodge an appeal, past I’ll surely beryllium taking that advice.”

Her comments came arsenic Auditor-General Brendan Worrall utilized his last study to criticise the “long-standing, inherent problems” successful the Queensland government’s effect to younker crime.

In a study tabled successful parliament, Worrall acknowledged his bureau did not person a mandate to question the merit of authorities policies, but said it was evident nary 1 was “steering” the transgression response.

“My past study could not beryllium astir a much analyzable substance that is impacting the lives of galore Queenslanders,” Worrall wrote.

“It raises recurring themes and issues I person seen implicit the past 7 years, which are hindering entities’ effectiveness successful reducing superior younker crime.”

Worrall said agencies were often pulling successful antithetic directions, without immoderate cardinal leadership, and successful that seven-year play work for younker justness had “moved betwixt departments 5 times”.

Worrall made 12 recommendations for reform, each of which person been accepted by the government.

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