Former Liberal minister’s new climate role heightens federal energy clash

4 days ago 3

The caller seat of Australia’s highest clime alteration agency, erstwhile NSW Liberal curate Matt Kean, has rejected atomic powerfulness successful nationalist remarks that person infuriated the Coalition and heightened the national clash connected clime and energy.

Kean, the erstwhile authorities treasurer and vigor minister, said helium believed atomic vigor would person “bankrupted” NSW due to the fact that technological proposal showed it would instrumentality excessively agelong and outgo excessively overmuch to physique the arguable powerfulness stations.

Matt Kean (left) and Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen connected  Monday.

Matt Kean (left) and Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen connected Monday.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

The comments triggered attacks from the Coalition implicit the national government’s determination to sanction Kean arsenic the caller seat of the Climate Change Authority, the bureau that advises connected clime targets, amid a wider statement astir whether to clasp atomic oregon renewable energy.

A caller survey shows voters powerfully backmost the usage of authorities subsidies to assistance families instal star panels connected their homes, with 62 per cent successful favour of the fiscal support, acold up of different options specified arsenic large-scale upwind and star farms.

The findings by Resolve Strategic, conducted exclusively for this masthead, besides shows that 39 per cent of voters judge governments should subsidise location batteries, a argumentation enactment for some Labor and the Coalition up of the adjacent election.

But the enactment for subsidies slumps to lone 26 per cent for atomic vigor and conscionable 14 per cent for coal-fired powerfulness stations erstwhile Australians are asked astir the usage of authorities funds connected each vigor source.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese told parliament connected Monday that upwind and star powerfulness were the champion choices for the future, portion Opposition Leader Peter Dutton stood by the atomic plan helium released past Wednesday to physique 7 atomic powerfulness stations astatine a outgo that is yet to beryllium revealed.

Kean added caller details to the statement by revealing helium had received proposal from NSW Chief Scientist Professor Hugh Durrant-Whyte 5 years agone that recovered atomic powerfulness was the incorrect prime and that the authorities should promote much renewable energy.

“His proposal to maine was that, successful bid to bring atomic into the system, it would instrumentality acold excessively agelong and would beryllium acold excessively costly for NSW,” Kean said connected Monday, portion lasting alongside Albanese successful Parliament House.

“Now, I didn’t privation to bankrupt the authorities and I didn’t privation to enactment those immense costs onto families.”

Federal Energy Minister Chris Bowen gained furniture support connected Monday to name Kean to the caller post, replacing concern main Grant King, aft discussions astir the occupation implicit the past month.

Sky News revealed comments from Kean arsenic authorities curate successful 2021 that lent enactment to atomic power.

“Into the future, volition atomic person a relation to play? I deliberation so, and I anticipation so, but close present I can’t stake connected exertion that isn’t readily available,” helium told Sky astatine the time.


Kean said connected Monday that the proposal helium received successful 2019 had been supplemented by findings from the CSIRO and others.

“They precise intelligibly accidental that the cheapest mode to modulation our energy strategy is to determination towards renewables backed up by firming and besides storage,” helium said. He added that this is what helium had done portion vigor minister.

With the large parties clashing successful question time, Dutton had to contend with remarks he made to quality tract The Daily Aus successful March past twelvemonth that ruled retired ample atomic powerfulness stations.

“I don’t enactment the constitution of large atomic facilities present astatine each – I’m opposed to it,” helium said.

“But, for the tiny modular reactors, we tin person them fundamentally replacing brownfield sites now, truthful you tin crook ember disconnected and enactment the tiny modular reactors in, and it’s fundamentally a plug and play.”

The Coalition program released past week, however, suggests tiny modular reactors successful 2 locations and ample powerfulness plants successful 5 others, with the enactment of aggregate reactors astatine each of the sites.


Federal and authorities governments are pouring payer funds into vigor schemes to effort to trim greenhouse state emissions and hole for the closure of coal-fired powerfulness stations, offering grants and rebates for those who instal rooftop star panels.

The fiscal assistance has besides included mammoth spending connected renewable projects specified arsenic the Snowy Hydro scheme, enactment for large-scale star and upwind projects and an emergency outgo by the NSW authorities this month to widen the beingness of the Eraring coal-fired powerfulness station.

Resolve Strategic surveyed 1003 eligible voters from Thursday to Sunday, generating results with a borderline of mistake of 3.1 percent points.

The survey recovered voters were split connected nuclear, with 41 per cent successful favour and 37 per cent against, and that a wide bulk backed renewables supra different vigor sources.

In a much elaborate question astir subsidies, reported present for the archetypal time, voters favoured authorities enactment for rooftop star supra each different options.

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