GroupM appoints Ashwin Padmanabhan as COO of South Asia

2 days ago 3

GroupM, WPP’s media concern group, has appointed Ashwin Padmanabhan arsenic Chief Operating Officer for South Asia. Ashwin volition oversee the integration and maturation of GroupM’s divers practices, including influencer marketing, content, OOH offering, and Nexus, portion continuing to negociate investments, trading, partnerships, motion, and entertainment.

Prasanth Kumar, CEO of GroupM, South Asia, said proceed to thrust synergies crossed aggregate practices. “Ashwin’s heavy knowing of lawsuit requirements and manufacture ecosystems and his proven way grounds ensures a seamless confederation crossed respective domains,” helium said.

Ashwin, who volition beryllium based retired of Gurgaon and study to Prasanth, is presently the President of GroupM's investments, trading, partnerships, question and entertainment.

Ashwin's strategical imaginativeness is expected to play a important relation successful integrating GroupM’s varied services, aiming to present top-tier solutions that make important worth for clients and the organization. As the existent President of GroupM Investments, trading, partnerships, motion, and entertainment, Aswin's committedness to innovation and process-driven excellence has driven GroupM’s enactment successful media solutions.

Commenting connected his caller role, Ashwin said, “Clients contiguous are looking for bespoke operating strategies that assistance alteration their businesses and GroupM has ever been an designer of caller approaches erstwhile it comes to its clients. I look guardant to moving with our teams to thrust semipermanent occurrence for brands, bringing effectiveness and optimization to our services that make enduring impact.”

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