How this dentist is saving for his retirement and his son’s education

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Ujjwal Das, 43, with woman  Saswati, 43, and their 13-year-old son. Das is hoping to prevention  capable   wealth  for his son's higher education, to beryllium  capable  to discontinue   early, and to question   much  with his family. Ujjwal Das, 43, with woman Saswati, 43, and their 13-year-old son. Das is hoping to prevention capable wealth for his son's higher education, to beryllium capable to discontinue early, and to question much with his family.


  • The Kolkata-based dental surgeon has wealthiness accumulation extremity of 8 crore

Ujjwal Das, 43, is simply a dentist and authorities employee, serving some arsenic a practitioner and pedagogue astatine a authorities government’s dental assemblage successful Kolkata. His designation is that of subordinate prof successful the college. Das’ wife, besides a dentist, works arsenic an subordinate prof successful different authorities dental college. Their 13-year-old lad is successful people VII.

Das started his fiscal readying travel successful 2020, but helium was not a first-time investor.

“I had made my archetypal communal money concern successful 2012 and kept making investments present and there, adjacent successful immoderate stocks. However, I had to retreat astir each my investments successful 2016 to screen my wife’s aesculapian exigency and marque a down outgo connected our home," helium says.

Das adds that determination was nary disciplined goal-based investing, and hence immoderate funds were disposable were utilized to conscionable the family’s contiguous needs.

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He began to earnestly see fiscal readying aft the covid-19 outbreak, erstwhile galore doctors with backstage practices abruptly recovered themselves without income owed to session closures. “We ne'er imagined doctors could look specified a situation. I realised it was clip to program our finances systematically, truthful I approached Suresh Sadagopan and his squad astatine Ladder7 Wealth Planners," Das recalls.

Asset mix

Das has allocated 55% of his concern portfolio to equities, 26% to debt, and 19% to existent estate. His existent property concern is simply a backstage dental clinic, purchased successful 2021, conveniently located adjacent his home.

Das has invested his full equity allocation done equity communal funds. His indebtedness portfolio is simply a premix of liquid and illiquid investments. The liquid information is managed done arbitrage schemes, portion the illiquid portion is invested successful the General Provident Fund (GPF). Of the 26% indebtedness allocation, 22% is successful GPF, and 4% is successful arbitrage schemes.

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GPF is simply a status savings strategy for authorities employees, wherever employees lend 6% of their basal wage monthly. It earns an yearly involvement complaint of 7.1% and tin beryllium withdrawn upon retirement. It is efficaciously a provident fund, and enjoys each the taxation benefits of a provident fund. 

Financial goals

As a authorities employee, Das volition person a regular monthly pension connected retirement, since the West Bengal authorities inactive follows the aged pension scheme. Still, Das is targeting a wealthiness accumulation corpus of 8 crore by property 60.

He besides wants to prevention immoderate wealth for his son’s higher education. “We are not definite what my lad would similar to prosecute successful the future, but acquisition costs tin beryllium large, truthful it is amended to program successful advance. If my lad wants to prosecute aesculapian studies, the outgo of MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery) from a bully backstage assemblage successful India contiguous is astir 1 crore," Das says.

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For post-retirement income, Das is besides counting connected his backstage clinic. He says astatine immoderate constituent helium should beryllium capable to marque capable nett income from the clinic. Right now, the session is neither making a nett oregon a loss. “There are immoderate months erstwhile determination are profits also. Fortunately, we person ne'er been successful losses connected a month-on-month basis," helium says.

The session has definite operating costs specified arsenic his attendant’s salary, buying of dental materials, and repair and attraction of equipment, but Das says the costs are mostly sustained by the clinic’s income.

The household besides aims to question doubly a year, usually connected home trips. The costs for these trips are planned successful advance, with wealth acceptable speech successful arbitrage schemes for casual liquidity.

Getting the close insurance

Despite being associated with the aesculapian profession, Das learned the value of aesculapian security the hard way. “In 2016, my woman had an cognition connected her gall bladder. At that point, I had to abruptly retreat each my communal funds. I had built an concern portfolio by doing SIPs successful six oregon 7 communal funds," helium recalls. 

His wife, besides a West Bengal authorities employee, had a cashless aesculapian screen of up to 1.5 lakh, but arsenic the infirmary she was admitted successful didn’t connection cashless installation connected the government’s aesculapian scheme, Das had to retreat each his communal money investments to conscionable the aesculapian costs.

Today, helium has a 10 lakh aesculapian screen for himself and different 10 lakh screen for his woman and son, isolated from the government’s aesculapian screen for his wife, lad and him.

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Das besides has a word screen of 1 crore, portion his woman has a word screen of 1.2 crore. On his advisor’s recommendation, helium has besides purchased a nonrecreational indemnity security of 25 lakh. His woman and helium each besides person accidental insurance, with imperishable disablement sum of 50 lakh and a impermanent disablement sum of 15 lakh.

Das says helium besides had a clump of endowment plans but helium soon surrendered them aft discussing the merits and demerits with his fiscal advisor. “I closed these products and transferred the investments into communal funds, arsenic my fiscal advisor explained that specified products didn’t connection precise charismatic returns. The security worth is besides precise little portion the premiums are connected higher side," helium says.

Post-retirement goals

Of the full household income, 50% goes towards communal money systematic concern plans (SIPs), 27% to household expenses (including security premium), and 23% to indebtedness repayments.

Das says erstwhile his equated monthly instalments towards loans are over, helium volition summation his SIP allocation to expedite his fiscal goals.

While helium isn’t successful a hurry to retire, Das says, “The time my income from the session matches my occupation wage connected a regular ground I would see retiring." He adds, "Given the utmost unit of moving astatine a authorities hospital, determination are seldom immoderate disconnected days. We lone get 1 play off, connected Sundays. My elemental extremity aft status is to walk arsenic overmuch clip with my household arsenic possible."

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Das lives successful a associated family. While his parents person a abstracted location nearby, they walk astir of their clip unneurotic astatine his house.

As the West Bengal authorities has revised the status property for assemblage and assemblage teachers successful 2019, Das, an subordinate professor, present has an authoritative status property of 65. However, helium says helium volition effort to discontinue earlier than this threshold.

With an further income root already successful place, which Das is moving to grow gradually, and a regular pension expected upon retirement, helium is not peculiarly disquieted astir gathering his household expenses aft retirement. 

He tin tally his session good into his 60s and beyond if helium wishes. Additionally, helium is targeting a ample corpus by the property of 60. “I expect to person capable funds and income sources successful spot to conscionable my basal status goals and my tendency to question much with my family, some wrong India and abroad," Das says.

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