Bank Holidays in July 2024: Banks will remain closed on THESE 12 days; check list here

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Banks volition stay closed for 12 days successful July connected relationship of assorted determination and nationalist holidays. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has designated July 3, 6, 8, 9, 16, and 17 arsenic slope holidays nether the Negotiable Instruments Act. The Negotiable Instruments Act deals with the issuance of cheques and promissory notes. Transactions involving these instruments volition not beryllium disposable during the holidays.

Here is the database of slope holidays successful July to see earlier readying your slope visit. Please enactment that holidays whitethorn alteration by portion crossed India.

DateDayReason for the HolidayRegion
July 3, 2024WednesdayBeh DienkhlamMeghalaya
July 6, 2024SaturdayMHIP DayMizoram
July 8, 2024MondayKang (Rathajatra)Manipur
July 9, 2024TuesdayDrukpa Tshe-ziSikkim
July 16, 2024TuesdayHarelaUttarakhand
July 17, 2024WednesdayMuharram/Ashoora/U Tirot Sing DayAll implicit India but Uttarakhand, Gujarat, Odisha, Chandigarh, Sikkim, Assam, Manipur, Itanagar, Kerala, Nagaland and Goa.
  • July 3, 2024: BehDienkhlam is simply a festival celebrated by the Pnar assemblage successful Meghalaya. It is simply a creation festival of the Jaintia people. People question blessings for a bumper harvest and to ward disconnected evil spirits. It is held annually successful the period of July.
  • July 6, 2024: Mizo Hmeichhe Insuihkhawm Pawl, oregon MHIP Day, is the solemnisation of Mizoram’s largest women's organisation. MHIP virtually translates to ‘binding women together.’
  • July 8, 2024: Kang is the Rath Yatra of Manipur, celebrated for 10 days successful July. Lord Jagannath leaves his temple successful a conveyance called “Kang” successful Manipur, pulled by devotees successful his honour.
  • July 9, 2024: Drukpa Tshe-zi is simply a Buddhist festival celebrated successful Sikkim. It celebrates Gautam Buddha’s archetypal sermon, known arsenic “setting the instrumentality of Dharma successful motion.” This sermon introduced the Four Noble Truths, which laic the instauration for the Buddhist faith.
  • July 16, 2024: Harela is simply a festival celebrated successful Uttarakhand to people the accomplishment of the monsoon and the opening of the caller cultivation season. It is chiefly celebrated successful the Kumaon region, portion variations specified arsenic Mol-Sankranti oregon Rai-Sagarant are celebrated successful the Garhwal region.
  • July 17, 2024: Muharram/Ashura is observed connected the 10th time of the archetypal period according to the Islamic calendar. It is simply a solemn juncture for Muslims to honour the martyrdom of Imam Hussein, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad. Shia Muslims people this time with mourning processions (tazias) and rituals that symbolise sacrifice. 
  • July 17, 2024: U Tirot Sing Day is celebrated successful Meghalaya to recognise the courageousness and absorption of U Tirot Sing, a state combatant who opposed British assemblage regularisation successful the region.

In summation to the nationalist and determination holidays mandated by the RBI successful July, banks successful India volition besides beryllium closed connected the pursuing days.

Banks are closed connected Sundays. The 4 Sundays successful July are July 7, 14, 21, and 28.

Banks are besides closed connected the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each period but January and December. The 2nd and 4th Saturdays autumn connected July 13 and 27.

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