Confused about ITR forms? Here’s how to pick the right one

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 Pixabay) Choosing the close ITR signifier is simply a important measurement successful taxation filing. (Image: Pixabay)


  • While filing the ITR wrong the owed day is crucial, filing it successful the close signifier is arsenic important to debar income taxation announcement oregon penalty

As the taxation filing deadline of 31 July looms, individuals and tiny concern entities unreserved to navigate the income taxation website to take the close ITR form. 

While the website does supply guidance to immoderate extent, mistakes successful filing tin happen. Submitting the incorrect signifier tin effect successful the IT section treating it arsenic invalid and rejecting it. In specified a case, you tin ever taxable a revised instrumentality with the close details by 31 December to debar income taxation announcement oregon penalty.

Missing the 31 July deadline, however, tin pb to important consequences.

Failure to taxable the ITR signifier connected oregon earlier the deadline tin incur a precocious outgo punishment of 5,000, said Prakash Hegde, chartered accountant. The punishment could beryllium 1,000 if full income is little than 5 lakh.

If determination is simply a pending taxation liability, an involvement of 1% per period would beryllium applied for precocious filing, successful summation to 1% a period for precocious outgo until it is paid. Additionally, losses, different than that from location property, volition not beryllium allowed to beryllium carried forward. 

Besides, taxpayers volition not beryllium allowed to opt for the aged taxation regime. If the ITR  is inactive not filed by 31 December, the filer mightiness beryllium liable for a overmuch higher taxation liability when helium files an updated ITR.

Choosing the close ITR signifier is simply a important measurement successful taxation filing. Here’s a guide, utilizing fictional characters for illustrative purposes, connected which ITR signifier to file. Note that this should not beryllium treated arsenic a substitute for getting a chartered accountant to grip your ITR filing needs.

A bundle technologist who earns 7 lakh per annum

Suppose an technologist who started moving past twelvemonth has to record his ITR. Considering it’s his archetypal job, let’s accidental helium spent each his income connected buying gadgets and investing immoderate successful communal funds. Which ITR signifier should helium beryllium filing, considering helium hasn’t sold the communal money units?

He should ideally record an ITR-1 fixed that he’s an Indian nonmigratory and his yearly income is little than 50 lakh. Simply put, ITR-1 tin lone beryllium filed if the taxpayer’s income is little than 50 lakh and if helium does not person much than 1 location property.  

“He whitethorn person income from different sources similar interest, dividends, etc. (but not income chargeable astatine peculiar rates similar online games, lottery, and racehorses oregon losses)," said Hegde. Non-residents cannot record ITR-1.

There are definite exceptions to this. “Even if the taxpayer’s income is little than Rs.50 lakh, they cannot record ITR-1 if they made immoderate profits with virtual integer assets specified arsenic cryptocurrency arsenic it volition beryllium reported arsenic superior gains," Nitesh Buddhadev, a CA and laminitis of Nimit Consultancy, said.  “They besides cannot record ITR 1 if helium has unlisted shares oregon has immoderate assets/income overseas," helium added.

A salaried teacher who booked superior gains from MFs 

Let’s accidental a teacher whose income is 10 lakh per year. She sold immoderate of her communal funds arsenic she wanted to decorate her location and booked a superior summation of 3 lakh from her communal money investments. Which ITR signifier should she file?

Considering that she doesn’t person immoderate concern income and/or broadside gigs, she should record ITR-2. In ITR-1, 1 cannot study superior gains income, and hence, this teacher is not eligible for it.  In contrast, trading successful F&O mightiness beryllium considered concern income and falls nether ITR-3. 

Even erstwhile semipermanent superior gains from equity MFs are beneath the taxable bounds of 1 lakh, they inactive request to beryllium reported successful ITR-2. So, successful the supra case, if the salaried teacher made superior gains beneath 1 lakh and has nary different income, she would inactive beryllium required to record ITR-2.  

A loss-making F&O trader 

The IT Act categorizes F&O income nether concern activities and hence, a idiosyncratic dabbling successful this conception needs to record the much analyzable ITR-3 oregon ITR-4, catering to concern and nonrecreational income. 

ITR-4 is to beryllium filed by those with incomes from concern oregon assemblage who state taxes nether the presumptive income scheme.

In FY22, the marketplace regulator said 9 retired of 10 traders mislaid wealth successful options trading. Does that mean that your person who’s besides making losses successful F&O commercialized does not request to study them successful their ITR? The reply is ‘No’. 

Loss-making oregon profitable traders, adjacent those who gain lone from wage oregon nary different income, indispensable record ITR-3. 

A homemaker who gets rental income

If the full rent that the homemaker has received successful FY24 is implicit 2.5 lakh, which is the income taxation filing exemption limit, she has to record ITR-1. This is erstwhile she has rental income from lone 1 property, whereas if the rent is earned from 2 oregon much properties, she has to record ITR-2.

Take enactment that the taxation filing exemption bounds nether the caller taxation authorities is 3 lakh. 

A lawyer who earns from clients

Now let’s see the lawsuit of a lawyer oregon different professionals, specified arsenic a CA, doctor, oregon architect, who wants to record an ITR. Since they don’t gain a fixed salary, they cannot record ITR-1 oregon ITR-2. 

If their income is little than 50 lakh, they tin record ITR-3 oregon ITR-4. Their income falls nether the ‘income from concern oregon profession’ category. If they take presumptive taxation for their income, they person to record ITR-4. Firms with a full income of little than 50 lakh tin besides record ITR 4.

An NRI who has a spot successful India

Many NRIs ain location properties successful India arsenic they anticipation to instrumentality to their motherland. What happens to the rental income erstwhile they’re not around? Do they request to record returns for that?

The reply is ‘Yes’ if the yearly rental income is much than 3 lakh nether the caller taxation authorities and much than 2.5 lakh successful the aged regime. 

NRIs tin record ITR-2 and study this nether income from location property. In galore cases, the IT section had sent notices to NRIs for not declaring involvement earned successful NRE accounts adjacent erstwhile it was tax-exempt. 

Hegde said the authorities mightiness not person had capable information to marque retired that it was exempt income. So it is ever preferable to record an ITR.

A freelance contented creator 

If you’re a salaried idiosyncratic by time and a contented creator by night, you person to take ITR-3 arsenic you gain freelance income that qualifies arsenic concern income. 

Experts accidental income from contented instauration would autumn nether income from concern oregon profession.  If you opt for presumptive taxation, you should record ITR-4.


While filing the ITR wrong the owed day is crucial, filing it successful the close signifier is arsenic important. Declaring assets and liabilities successful the AL Schedule for taxpayers with income exceeding 50 lakh and reporting overseas assets for taxpayers holding them is besides a precise captious aspect. 

Failure to study adjacent tiny holdings successful overseas stocks tin pull scrutiny nether the Black Money Act. Professional assistance tin guarantee compliance and assistance debar penalties. Don't hold until the past time to record your returns—act present to unafraid your fiscal bid of mind.

 Also work | We request taxation reforms to enactment India’s expenditure path

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