India Wins T20 Cricket World Cup, Stamping Its Domination of the Sport

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In India, cricket has go immensely profitable and a destination for the world’s champion players. But a tourney triumph had eluded it for galore years.

Ticker portion    rains down   arsenic  the India team, successful  orangish  and bluish  uniforms and medals circular  their necks, question    and cheer and clasp  a trophy aloft.
India’s squad celebrating aft winning the men’s T20 Cricket World Cup successful Bridgetown, Barbados, connected Saturday.Credit...Ash Allen/Reuters

Mujib Mashal

June 30, 2024, 5:08 a.m. ET

India won the men’s Cricket World Cup connected Saturday, defeating South Africa to extremity a adust spell successful tourney victories that had lasted implicit a decade, adjacent arsenic the federation was dominating the athletics globally successful different measures similar talent, currency and influence.

The tourney was played crossed respective Caribbean islands, with a fewer of the matches hosted successful the United States, including astatine a pop-up stadium successful New York. When the final, successful Barbados, ended with India declared the champion, it was adjacent to midnight backmost home, wherever joyful crowds poured into the streets crossed respective cities.

“Maybe successful a mates hours it volition descend in, but it is simply a large feeling,” said Rohit Sharma, India’s captain, who took a circuit of the stadium with his girl propped connected his shoulders to convey the crowd. “To transverse the enactment — it feels large for everyone.”

It was a intimately fought match, and a profoundly affectional 1 for India, successful portion due to the fact that galore of its elder players, including Sharma, 37, were adjacent the extremity of their careers. India past won the World Cup successful T20, the shortest format of cricket, successful 2007, erstwhile Sharma was conscionable getting started. The apical prize had besides evaded Virat Kohli, 35, 1 of cricket’s astir recognized icons. Rahul Dravid, India’s coach, had ne'er won a World Cup during his agelong and illustrious vocation arsenic a player.


“To transverse the enactment — it feels large for everyone,” said India’s skipper Rohit Sharma, who announced his status from T20 cricket connected Saturday.Credit...Ramon Espinosa/Associated Press

All 3 men ended the nighttime connected a blessed note, with Sharma and Kohli announcing their status from the fast-paced abbreviated signifier of the game. Dravid, who finished his stint arsenic India’s coach, is usually a quiet, stoic presence. But aft the win, helium was screaming and celebrating.

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