World Cup glory a vindication for India cricket legends

2 days ago 7

21 minutes ago

By Cherylann Mollan, BBC News

 Fans observe  adjacent   the India Gate aft  India won the T20 World Cup connected  June 30, 2024 successful  Delhi, IndiaGetty Image

Fans observe connected Delhi streets aft India's win

Indians are continuing to observe their cricket team's triumph astatine the T20 World Cup, which is being seen arsenic a fitting tribute to immoderate of the game's apical players.

India defeated South Africa by 7 runs successful Barbados connected Saturday to bring location a World Cup aft a 13-year-long wait.

Fans celebrated connected the streets aft the crippled and person been posting heartfelt tributes to the squad connected societal media.

But they accidental the triumph is bitter-sweet, with 3 of India's apical cricketers - Virat Kohli, Rohit Sharma and Ravindra Jadeja - announcing their status from the format aft the game.

Getty Images India's skipper  Rohit Sharma and Virat Kohli observe  aft  winning ICC men's Twenty20 World Cup 2024 last  cricket lucifer  betwixt  India and South Africa astatine  Kensington Oval successful  Bridgetown, Barbados, connected  June 29, 2024. (Photo by Chandan Khanna / AFP) (Photo by CHANDAN KHANNA/AFP via Getty Images)Getty Images

Rohit Sharma and Virat Kohli stock a hug aft winning the final

Many X users called Kohli's and Sharma's status "the extremity of an era" portion others said they had achieved the presumption of legends successful the sport.

Cricketing large Sachin Tendulkar joined successful praising the 2 players.

"Your unwavering committedness and exceptional endowment person brought immense pridefulness to the nation," helium wrote astir Sharma connected X. Of Kohli, helium said, "You whitethorn person had a unsmooth clip earlier successful the tournament, but past nighttime you proved wherefore you’re genuinely 1 of the greats of the gentleman's game".

Saturday's triumph was a infinitesimal of redemption for Sharma, aft his squad mislaid the 50-over World Cup last 8 months agone to Australia.

After winning 10 matches successful a row, the squad suffered a shocking decision successful the final. Rohit led from the beforehand passim the tournament but couldn't instrumentality his squad implicit the enactment successful the final.

And that is wherefore the T20 cupful is truthful peculiar for him. It matters adjacent much due to the fact that this was astir apt his past changeable astatine winning a World Cup arsenic a captain.

He volition beryllium 40 by the clip the adjacent tourney is held, and astir players discontinue earlier reaching that age.

The gravity of the infinitesimal and the value of the triumph were evident connected Sharma's face, arsenic helium stepped distant for a infinitesimal of quiescent reflection earlier joining the squad successful their chaotic celebrations.

A time later, helium shared an affectional station connected X wherever helium posted a photograph of himself sprawled retired connected the crushed with his teammates surrounding him.

"This representation epitomises however I’m feeling close now. So galore words but can’t find the close ones to explicit what yesterday meant to maine but I will, and I volition stock them, but close present I’m basking successful a imagination travel existent for a cardinal of us," helium wrote.

 Rahul Dravid, India caput  manager  is thrown into the aerial  aft  India won the ICC Men's T20 Cricket World Cup West Indies & USA 2024 Final lucifer  betwixt  South Africa and India astatine  Kensington Oval connected  June 29, 2024 successful  Bridgetown, Barbados. (Photo by Philip Brown/Getty Images)Getty Images

Players celebrating with Rahul Dravid

Saturday's triumph was besides a infinitesimal of poetic justness for galore of the team's players and enactment staff, including manager Rahul Dravid.

Like his team, helium was besides carrying the symptom of losing the ODI World Cup final. But determination is much to his story.

In 2007, it was successful the Caribbean that India suffered an embarrassing World Cup run nether his captaincy. The broadside crashed retired successful the radical stages itself aft losing to Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

So, Saturday's triumph evidently was peculiar for Dravid.

In a uncommon interruption from his different poised demeanour, helium was seen jumping up from his spot to observe aft the squad won and screamed with joyousness portion lifting the trophy.

"As a player, I was not fortunate capable to triumph a trophy but I gave my best. I was fortunate capable to beryllium fixed an accidental to manager a team... It is not similar I was aiming for immoderate redemption, it was the occupation I was doing. It has been a large journey," helium told reporters aft the game.

 Rohit Sharma of India celebrates triumph  aft  winning the ICC Men's T20 Cricket World Cup pursuing  the ICC Men's T20 Cricket World Cup West Indies & USA 2024 Final lucifer  betwixt  South Africa and India astatine  Kensington Oval connected  June 29, 2024 successful  Bridgetown, Barbados. (Photo by Robert Cianflone/Getty Images)Getty Images

Rohit Sharma laic down connected the crushed aft steering his squad to victory

The triumph was besides a heart-warming 1 for Kohli, who was searching for signifier until the final, making immoderate disgruntled fans question his skills successful the T20 format.

But helium performed erstwhile his squad needed him the astir and that's what large players similar him do.

He anchored the innings with his 76 runs disconnected 59 balls, portion others played brisk knocks astir him.

Saturday's triumph was besides a fitting tribute to India's bowlers who have, successful the past, helped the squad enactment the people erstwhile the going got tough.

Jasprit Bumrah, Arshdeep Singh and Hardik Pandya enactment up an unforgettable bowling show that crippled South Africa's batting line-up astatine the death.

Pandya had his infinitesimal of redemption too. In the IPL, helium had replaced Sharma arsenic the skipper of Mumbai Indians - a determination that irked fans who subjected the cricketer to immoderate robust booing wherever helium played.

His show dipped and his accustomed flamboyance gave mode to a brooding quality connected the field. He often chopped a lonely fig - disconnected from his squad and surroundings during games.

But helium got his infinitesimal successful the prima erstwhile helium bowled the past implicit and took his squad to World Cup glory.

After the match, helium broke down and said, "I didn’t outcry erstwhile I had to. But present I consciousness I got my past six months backmost successful a moment."

Sports folklore is afloat of heartbreaks, victories and redemption and Pandya has added his communicative to the bank.

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