US Supreme Court Latest: Court expected to rule on Trump immunity case as end of term nears

2 days ago 6

The U.S. Supreme Court justices volition soon instrumentality the seat to merchandise their past fewer opinions of the term, including a intimately watched case: Whether erstwhile President Donald Trump has immunity from transgression prosecution for his relation successful the Jan. 6, 2021, ri...

WASHINGTON -- WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. Supreme Court justices volition instrumentality the seat contiguous to merchandise their past fewer opinions of the term, including a intimately watched case: Whether erstwhile President Donald Trump has immunity from transgression prosecution for his relation successful the Jan. 6, 2021, riot astatine the U.S. Capitol.

The tribunal besides volition determine connected Monday whether authorities laws limiting however societal media platforms modulate contented posted by their users interruption the Constitution. The immunity lawsuit was the past lawsuit argued, connected April 25. The tribunal typically begins issuing opinions astatine 10 a.m. Eastern Time.

Here's the latest:

The immunity lawsuit was the past lawsuit argued, connected April 25. So successful 1 sense, it’s not antithetic that it would beryllium among the past decided. But the timing of the court’s solution of Trump’s immunity whitethorn beryllium arsenic important arsenic the eventual ruling.

By holding connected to the lawsuit until aboriginal July, the justices person reduced, if not eliminated, the accidental that Trump volition person to basal proceedings earlier the November election, nary substance what the tribunal decides.

In different epic tribunal cases involving the presidency, including the Watergate tapes case, the justices moved overmuch faster. Fifty years ago, the tribunal handed down its determination forcing President Richard Nixon to crook implicit recordings of Oval Office conversations conscionable 16 days aft proceeding arguments.

Even this term, the tribunal reached a determination successful little than a period to regularisation unanimously for Trump that states cannot invoke the post-Civil War insurrection clause to footwear him disconnected the ballot implicit his refusal to judge Democratic President Joe Biden’s triumph 4 years ago.

▶ Read much astir the stakes of the Trump immunity ruling.

In the past 10 days of June, connected a frenetic gait of its ain making, the Supreme Court touched a wide swath of American nine successful a torrent of decisions connected abortion, guns, the environment, health, the opioid crisis, securities fraud and homelessness.

And, with the tribunal gathering for the last clip this word connected Monday, an antithetic propulsion into July, the astir anticipated determination of the word awaits: whether erstwhile President Donald Trump is immune from prosecution for his relation successful the Jan. 6, 2021, riot astatine the U.S. Capitol.

The tribunal besides volition determine whether authorities laws limiting however societal media platforms modulate contented posted by their users interruption the Constitution.

▶ Read much astir what to expect arsenic the Supreme Court word wraps.

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