IndiGo to receive compensation from Pratt & Whitney for engine issues

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1 min read 15 Jun 2024, 10:03 AM IST checkcibilBtn


InterGlobe Aviation, the relation of IndiGo, announced connected Friday that it volition person compensation from Pratt & Whitney done its affiliate, International Aero Engines, for pulverization metallic issues that person grounded implicit 70 of its aircraft. The magnitude of compensation was not disclosed.

IndiGo secures compensation from Pratt & Whitney for motor  issues, starring  to the grounding of implicit    70 aircraftPremium IndiGo secures compensation from Pratt & Whitney for motor issues, starring to the grounding of implicit 70 craft

InterGlobe Aviation, the relation of IndiGo, announced connected Friday that it volition person compensation from Pratt & Whitney done its affiliate for pulverization metallic issues that person grounded immoderate of its aircraft.

The institution did not disclose the magnitude of the compensation, stating that it volition beryllium received done the Pratt & Whitney affiliate, International Aero Engines.

The stocks of InterGlobe Aviation closed successful red, down 0.79 per cent astatine 4267.10, connected June 14, connected BSE. The institution enjoys a marketplace capitalisation of 1,64,701.39 crore arsenic per BSE. The institution had deed a 52-week precocious of 4,609.80 connected June 10, 2024, presently down by implicit 7 per cent.

"This is successful continuation to our disclosure dated 7 November, 2023 (Ref-IGAL/SECT/11-23/11) filed nether Regulation 30 of SEBI LODR Regulations successful narration to preliminary interaction appraisal of Pratt & Whitney pulverization metallic issue, resulting successful removal of higher fig of engines from work and grounded for inspection and replacement," the institution said successful an speech filing.

On June 14, 2024, InterGlobe Aviation Limited ('IndiGo') finalized an amendment to the existing statement with International Aero Engines, LLC ("IAE"), an affiliate of Pratt & Whitney. According to the company, "IAE volition supply IndiGo with a customized compensation successful narration to the ongoing concern of Aircraft connected Ground owed to unavailability of engines."

Currently, implicit 70 IndiGo craft are grounded owed to issues with Pratt engines. More than 30 of these craft are affected by a pulverization metallic defect, portion the remaining are impacted by older issues, arsenic per assorted media reports.

In July past year, Pratt & Whitney reported that a uncommon pulverization metallic defect could origin cracking successful immoderate motor components of the twin-engined Airbus A320neo, necessitating accelerated inspections. These checks are expected to effect successful the grounding of 600-700 Airbus jets betwixt 2023 and 2026.

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Published: 15 Jun 2024, 10:03 AM IST

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