Yemen's Houthi rebels target ship in the Gulf of Aden as the Eisenhower aircraft carrier heads home

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Business News/ Companies / News/  Yemen's Houthi rebels people vessel successful the Gulf of Aden arsenic the Eisenhower craft bearer heads location

3 min read 23 Jun 2024, 01:26 AM IST checkcibilBtn


Yemen's Houthi rebels people     vessel  successful  the Gulf of Aden arsenic  the Eisenhower craft  bearer  heads homePremium Yemen's Houthi rebels people vessel successful the Gulf of Aden arsenic the Eisenhower craft bearer heads location

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — An onslaught by Yemen's Houthi rebels targeted a commercialized vessel traveling done the Gulf of Aden but seemingly caused nary damage, authorities said Saturday, successful the latest onslaught connected the shipping lane by the group.

The Houthi onslaught comes aft the sinking this week of the vessel Tutor, which marked what appears to beryllium a caller escalation by the Iranian-backed Houthis successful their run of strikes connected ships successful the captious maritime corridor implicit the Israel-Hamas warfare successful the Gaza Strip.

Meanwhile, the U.S. subject ordered the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, the craft bearer starring America's effect to the Houthi attacks, to instrumentality location aft a twice-extended tour.

The skipper of the vessel targeted precocious Friday saw “explosions successful the vicinity of the vessel," the British military's United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations halfway said. A aboriginal briefing by the U.S.-overseen Joint Maritime Information Center said the vas initially reported 2 explosions disconnected its larboard broadside and a 3rd 1 later.

“The vas was not deed and sustained nary damage," the halfway said. “The vas and unit are reported to beryllium harmless and are proceeding to their adjacent larboard of call."

The Houthis, who person held Yemen's capital, Sanaa, since 2014, claimed the onslaught Saturday night. Brig. Gen. Yahya Saree, a Houthi subject spokesman, identified the vas targeted arsenic the bulk bearer Transworld Navigator.

The Houthis person launched much than 60 attacks targeting circumstantial vessels and fired disconnected different missiles and drones successful their run that has killed a full of 4 sailors. They person seized 1 vas and sunk 2 since November. A U.S.-led airstrike run has targeted the Houthis since January, with a bid of strikes May 30 sidesplitting astatine slightest 16 radical and wounding 42 others, the rebels say.

In March, the Belize-flagged Rubymar carrying fertilizer became the archetypal to descend successful the Red Sea aft taking connected h2o for days pursuing a rebel attack.

The Houthis person maintained that their attacks people ships linked to Israel, the United States oregon Britain. However, galore of the ships attacked person small oregon nary transportation to the Israel-Hamas war.

The Eisenhower, based successful Norfolk, Virginia, is returning location aft an implicit eight-month deployment successful combat that the Navy says is its astir aggravated since World War II. The San Diego-based USS Theodore Roosevelt volition instrumentality the Eisenhower's spot aft a scheduled workout successful the Indo-Pacific, according to the Pentagon's property secretary, Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder.

The Roosevelt anchored Saturday successful Busan, South Korea, amid Seoul’s ongoing tensions with North Korea.

The Eisenhower had already reached the Mediterranean Sea, said a U.S. official, who spoke connected information of anonymity to sermon vessel movements. Flight-tracking information analyzed by The Associated Press showed a Sikorsky MH-60R Seahawk chopper associated with the Eisenhower flying supra the Mediterranean conscionable disconnected the seashore of Port Said, Egypt, connected Saturday night.

The Eisenhower had repeatedly been targeted by mendacious onslaught claims by the Houthis during its clip successful the Red Sea. Saree connected Saturday nighttime claimed different onslaught connected the bearer — but again provided nary grounds to enactment it arsenic the vessel already had near the area.


Associated Press writer Lolita C. Baldor successful Washington contributed to this report.

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Published: 23 Jun 2024, 01:26 AM IST

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