JPMorgan Doubles Miami Offices in Push for Wall Street South

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2 min read 22 Jun 2024, 12:35 AM IST checkcibilBtn


JPMorgan Chase & Co is expanding crossed Miami and Palm Beach, successful a bid to prehend South Florida’s booming wealth.

JPMorgan Doubles Miami Offices successful  Push for Wall Street SouthPremium JPMorgan Doubles Miami Offices successful Push for Wall Street South

(Bloomberg) -- JPMorgan Chase & Co is expanding crossed Miami and Palm Beach, successful a bid to prehend South Florida’s booming wealth.

The slope volition treble the size of its offices successful Brickell, Miami’s fiscal district, to a full of 160,000 quadrate feet (14,864 quadrate meters). The enlargement volition let for an other 400 employees, according to a statement.

“Miami and South Florida are location to an expanding fig of our clients, customers, assemblage partners and employees, and a strategical determination for our operations successful Latin America arsenic well," said Jonathan Bello, co-chair of the firm’s South Florida marketplace enactment team.

JPMorgan besides leased 13,000 quadrate feet for an bureau successful West Palm Beach and volition unfastened 3 fiscal centers crossed South Florida aboriginal adjacent year.

JPMorgan’s South Florida enlargement volition adhd an mean of $151 cardinal successful economical enactment to the region, arsenic good arsenic 380 operation jobs, the slope estimates. The Miami offices are location to 1 of JPMorgan’s largest planetary backstage banking operations, serving mostly Latin America clients, according to a spokesperson.

Jamie Dimon said successful April the slope was renovating its offices successful Tampa, a Florida metropolis wherever it has much than 6,000 employees. The steadfast besides signed a woody earlier this twelvemonth for the naming rights to the location shot stadium wherever Lionel Messi plays successful Fort Lauderdale. JPMorgan says it contributes implicit $1.93 cardinal to the Florida system each year.

The New York-based slope is successful the midst of gathering a caller office successful Manhattan, but Chief Executive Officer Dimon has agelong contrasted the business-friendly approaches of Florida and Texas with what helium sees from his company’s location state. Roughly a decennary ago, helium joked that helium sometimes wonders wherefore JPMorgan doesn’t relocate to Miami.

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Published: 22 Jun 2024, 12:34 AM IST

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