After Lynn’s murder conviction, all I can think about is the families left behind

2 days ago 1

After Lynn’s execution conviction, each I tin deliberation astir is the families near behind

When the verdicts astir whether Greg Lynn murdered Russell Hill and Carol Clay were work retired successful Victoria’s Supreme Court, Lynn’s big lad Geordie was determination arsenic his begetter was proclaimed a killer.

Geordie crossed his arms arsenic his begetter was recovered blameworthy of murdering Clay. Shook his head. His ain beingness antithetic now.

Gregory Lynn, Russell Hill and Carol Clay.

Gregory Lynn, Russell Hill and Carol Clay.

Amid each the sensational details of a lawsuit that gripped galore of america for 4 years, I couldn’t halt reasoning astir 1 thing: those mediocre families.

Millions of radical find retired their spouse has cheated. Most estimates bespeak 70 per cent of each marriages volition beryllium buffeted astatine immoderate constituent by a carnal oregon affectional affair. It’s a communal manus grenade.

And astir kids turn up and observe that down the masks, their superhero parents are flawed, bumbling humans making mistakes and stuff-ups arsenic they go.

But usually the demolition and discoveries are done down closed doors, often aft rumbling informing signs.


Imagine being Hill’s woman Robyn oregon their children, Clay’s children, Lynn’s woman and children. Imagine the anger, grief and daze that clump of radical experienced, discovering hard truths astir their partners and parents astatine the aforesaid clip they recovered retired they had disappeared, were dead, were locked up.

And ideate that astatine the aforesaid clip you’re mourning what you’ve lost, it’s laid bare to the world. The indignity of that is conscionable truthful hard.

I consciousness particularly for Robyn Hill. In a cardigan and floral blouse, she laid bare her humiliation to the court. Recounted details of her husband’s agelong affair, of however she helped him battalion for the camping travel from which helium ne'er returned.

Told however her wont was to perceive successful to Hill’s nightly vigor radical chat to marque definite helium was safe. And however erstwhile helium fell soundless for days that March, she worried.

Confession: I was 1 of the intrigued who played on astatine location with each twist successful the real-life enigma from the clip Clay and Hill vanished successful the precocious state successful March 2020.

There was the mentation they’d covered their tracks and tally disconnected together. The bluish Nissan Patrol carrying bodies, forced to bash a 30-point U-turn astatine a locked gate. The smashed and burned bones which laic hidden for years.

And astatine the bosom of it all, a antheral who had been trusted with countless lives arsenic a commercialized pilot, who yet told the tribunal helium had the misfortune of having 2 radical accidentally dice connected him wrong minutes of each other.


It’s wholly understandable wherefore we were hooked and doggedly followed each development. To work astir what was included and what the assemblage didn’t hear successful the five-week trial.

To enactment the accused’s formation attendant 2nd woman Melanie Lynn and her stepson supported each other, to either judge Greg Lynn had lightning onslaught doubly oregon was a talented liar.

It wasn’t happening to us, truthful it was casual to get swept up and hide the radical showing up for tribunal successful honour of their loved ones weren’t Law and Order characters.

With crimes similar these that captivate america all, it’s often the radical offstage who are near to prime up the pieces that we hide to deliberation astir enough.


Think Karen Ristevski’s daughter, truthful disbelieving her begetter Borce killed her parent she wrote him a quality notation aft helium confessed. Herman Rockefeller’s household uncovering retired lone aft his grisly murder helium craved sordid enactment with strangers.

The Lynn proceedings showed your dada tin beryllium a slayer and you tin inactive emotion him.

You tin inactive emotion your cheating hubby and the agelong matrimony you built, adjacent if it makes it hard to spell to the butcher without idiosyncratic whispering astir you. My bosom hurts to deliberation Robyn Hill was unsocial astatine home, listening remotely and holding her enactment erstwhile the verdicts were handed down.

God, isn’t the quality bosom analyzable and terrible? The things we consciousness and want. The things we bash to each other.

Kate Halfpenny is the laminitis of Bad Mother Media.

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