Australian Christopher Esber scoops $480,000 fashion prize in Paris

2 days ago 3

The precocious decorator Carla Zampatti utilized to lament astir Australian fashion’s encephalon drain. And to punctuation different large Australian, Bill Heslop successful Muriel’s Wedding: “You can’t halt progress.”

So, arsenic the manufacture holds some of these truths concurrently, decorator Christopher Esber received 300,000 euro ($483,000) arsenic portion of winning the ANDAM Fashion Award, making him arguably the astir decorated Australian manner decorator of his era.

Christopher Esber has won the planetary   ANDAM prize.

Christopher Esber has won the planetary ANDAM prize.Credit: Nathan Yamniak

Known for his method prowess with a cutout (sans wardrobe malfunctions), his designs are worn by women of each ages and stages, including celebrities Dua Lipa, Hailey Bieber and Jennifer Lopez. The marque is stocked successful much than 150 outlets globally, and European customers already relationship for astir 40 per cent of sales.

Speaking of encephalon drain, Esber validated his determination to beryllium retired this year’s Australian Fashion Week (he had been an aboriginal contender for the opening show, which yet went to Albus Lumen), to absorption connected launching swimwear and jewellery successful clip for the European summer.

That determination appears to person been rewarded with Esber, 37, winning the 35th yearly prize implicit labels 3.Paradis, Pièces Uniques and Maeden, each of which won insignificant prizes. The grant besides includes mentoring from Saint Laurent originative manager Anthony Vaccarello.

Esber, who founded his namesake statement successful 2010, is firmly Sydney-based. He was raised successful the occidental suburbs and graduated from East Sydney TAFE, present known arsenic Fashion Design Studio. But aft showing successful Paris past year, and present winning the ANDAM, the question indispensable beryllium asked: could a determination to Europe beryllium connected the cards?

Not immediately, the decorator says, but portion of the prize requires the victor to acceptable up a basal successful Paris to instrumentality afloat vantage of the mentoring components of the award. “Paris plays specified an important relation successful the aboriginal enlargement of the brand,” helium says, adding that the prize volition assistance successful achieving “our planetary ambitions, elevating our quality, craftsmanship and positioning”. He besides confirmed helium volition erstwhile again amusement successful Paris this September.

Models successful  Esber’s debut Paris runway past  September.

Models successful Esber’s debut Paris runway past September.Credit: Getty Images

Esber has already won astir of the large Australian manner prizes, including the National Designer Award (2012), Australian Fashion Laureate Designer of the Year (2023) and has represented Australia successful the finals of the internationally renowned Woolmark Prize.

Unlike immoderate of his assemblage peers, whose businesses person fallen connected hard times – or, voluntary medication successful the lawsuit of Dion Lee – Esber has taken the dilatory way to success.


Past winners of the ANDAM prize, a associated task of the French Ministry of Culture and Defi Mode, see Martin Margiela, and Iris Van Herpen whose retrospective exhibition, Sculpting the Senses, opens astatine the Queensland Gallery of Modern Art adjacent week.

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